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Very first tax return - advice please!


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There has been loads of discussion and advice on the dreaded pink & blue forms (and those of you 'experts' sharing your advice deserve a medal and are invaluable to us newies!), in particular  regarding the declaration of Service pensions vs. state pensions, does anyone have any experience on Service salaries?  I know they are treated in a similar way to the service pension in that they remain UK taxed, but do they go in the same place on the pink form?

Any advice very gratefully received.


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 I don't know exactly as there are few service personnel living in France, are you sure you have to declare this in France?  If you do, I would assume that you put the amount on the 2047 form in the Section 1 "traitements and salaries" then as it is already taxed in the UK it goes into section Vll  with a description of the revenue.  This then goes into box TI on form 2042 , I am assuming that it does not have to be put into section 1 of the 2042 form under salaries

t might be worth sending an E mail you can do it in English, to infotax-southwest@dgi.finances.gouv.fr to be sure.

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If under the double tax agreement your service salary remains taxable in the UK, my understanding is it should be treated pretty much as Ron says i.e. Form 2047, section VII ("Revenus Exonérés pris....") as follows:

Column 1- Full name
Column 2 -"Royaume Uni"
Column 3 - "Salaire"
Column 4 - Gross earnings, in € minus N.I. (This should be the same figure as you put in box TI of Section 8 of your blue form 2042).  
Column 5 - Total N.I. for the year in €, i.e.  "SECU €....."
Totals were carried down to bottom, the rest of the form was left blank and the form was signed and dated as appropriate at the foot of the final page.

I'm NOT a tax expert/accountant, but I have a similar situation and that's the way my colleagues advise me it's done!

Best of luck, Richard

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