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registration on www.impots.gouv.fr - new process?


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Hi - help, please (again)

Last year I paid my taxe foncieres on line and then set up a prelevement for this year, all of which has worked fine. I also paid this year's impot on line, and hopefully have set up prelevement for next year.

I have just had the foncieres bill for this year, which is still being paid by prelevement, so that is fine.

However, I am with CA and I have new RIB and they have our UK address wrong, so I thought I'd log on and amend.

The site told me I didn't have a certificate. So I started to re-register, and it then asekd for a couple of other reference numbers - one I think it wanted the value of Revenu Imposable as I am a non-resident. The other reference was for 'numero de teledeclarant' and clicking the 'help' gave:

"Saisissez votre numéro de télédéclarant à 7 chiffres figurant en bas de la

première page de votre déclaration de revenus 2005 reçue en 2006."

I can't find any such number, help please? Although I only want to amend the taxe foncieres, I seem to have to use my income tax information? Or am I mad . . . . ?

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Your numéro de télédéclarant sets up your online security "certificate".  This confirms it's actually you that's online.

Normally, you make your first tax declaration manually, then when you receive your next year's tax declaration form, it offers you the option of going online and contains your unique numéro de télédéclarant - which gives you access to file your future declarations online.


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