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Credit Card refused - no reason given...


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After contesting not being accepted for a credit card ("Oney Net card") I got the following reply ;

Nous regrettons de ne pas pouvoir vous faire bénéficier de la carte Oney pour le


Nous comprenons votre réaction, cependant, conformément à l'article 2.2 des

Conditions Générales spécifiques carte Oney, nous ne sommes pas tenus de motiver

notre décision.

D'autre part, il ne s'agit pas d'une réponse définitive, vous pourrez réitérer

votre demande dans 3 mois.


Votre conseillère clientèle.

I could not find the article in the conditions!

I am now worried there is something "not right" about my credit rating file - does anyone know if there is a way to see what is on the record (as Expedian in the UK?).

Anyone else have similar problems (I have had no credit problems in the UK...)

Many thanks,


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Dear Rob,

I don't think you have anything to worry about - apart from not being able to get an Oney card for the time being. My o/h was refused one the first time he applied. I pointed out to him that this was doubtless because he had sent off his bank statement showing the mortgage on the rental property and neglected to declare the rental income in addition to his salary! Three months later I did the paperwork for him and the card duly arrived.

Oney have a bit of a reputation in France for being VERY picky about who they issue a card to. If you do not have a clear regular source of French income that they can check up on this may be the cause. They favour clients with plenty of disposable income... don't forget that they are the only company in France who offer an English-style credit card (unless Barclaycard France is still running but they were so incompetent in my experience that I doubt they could make a go of it) so they can afford to choose their customers.

I suggest that if you really want an Oney card you spend the three months getting together a set of paperwork that shows what great shape your finances are in!

Better luck next time,


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