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Bailiffs called because of an unpaid and unpayable(!) parking charge...


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Back in May I got a €35 parking fine for having the car parked illegally whilst I was in the process of moving furniture between apartments.

Unfortunately because of the move the parking fine was lost (searched everywhere) but I thought not to worry I will send a cheque to the fines centre in Rennes, together with details of my car registration (I only had one fine).

Much to my surprise, the fines centre wrote back to say "Afin de pouvoir affecter votre paiement je vous serai oblige de me faire parvenir dans les plus bref delais la carte lettre de la contrevention. En l'absence vous doudrez m'addresser, des sa reception, copie de l'amende forfaitaire majoree. Le Comptable du Tresor" (sans nom...)

So I understood that I coulnd't pay the fine and had to wait for the bigger fine to arrive in order to pay that!

Needless to say I was not too happy but began the wait for the bigger fine.

Fast forward to 14th Decembre and I still hadn't received a fine, instead, straight away, I got a letter form SCP PIQUET - MOLITOR (www. huissiersplus.com) who said that if I don't pay €86,25 then they will take my furniture, car, and close my accounts!

In the letter is mentions a fine sent on the 11/08/06 which I never recieved.

In the menwhile I was refused an application for a credit card (Oney) who refused to give details as to why I was refused.

I have now paid the money but am pretty miffed!

I tried to ring the centre for fines at Rennes but after two hours of searching the Internet could not find a single telephone number to contact them.

I would really like to contest the higher charges and esplecially to "clear my name" in the envent that there is now a "bad credit risk" cheked against my name which will hinder me for future financial applicaitons.

Any ideas on who to address my complaints to / what to write would be really appreciated.

Best Regards,


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Thanks for the number (not given on any correspondance from the centre d'encaissement des Amendes) - I gave it a rang and got the usual automated telephone system telling me "for contesting fines, write to the address shown on the parking fine"!

In fact I tried a few options and it seems it is impossible to contact anyone using this number (it introduces itself as a "vocal server"!)


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According to another thread which you started on 29 November entitled [url=http://www.completefrance.com/cs/forums/810837/ShowPost.aspx]Credit Card refused - no reason given...[/url], your card application had been refused more than two weeks before the hussier wrote to you, so I suspect the two may not be related.  At the time, other members offered suggestions as to why your application had been refused and provided you with an address to which you could write for a copy of your Oney credit file. Did you ever do this?

As regards contesting the parking fine, I'd just leave it at that...


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Hi Sunday Driver,

Still not 100% convinced that this matter and the refused credit card are unrelated.

I wrote to Oney, siting "En application de l’art. 34 de la loi “Informatique et Libertés” du 6 janvier 1978, merci de m’envoyer tous les données qui me concernent."

No reply so far...

I would certainly like to try to contest the parking fine as I think the reply is way out of order - how difficult is it to look up and find a single fine for a registration number?

In the UK you can ring up and pay over the phone.


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The letter you received was not from the fines office.  It was from the Tresor Public - they only process the payments against the fine reference, they don't have details of the actual fine.  The letter was asking you to send in the contravention so that they could deal with your payment. They then went on to say if you didn't have it, then to send in the fine increase notice once you'd received it. I suspect they might have then used this to identify your fine reference number and process your original payment......

Oh, and this is France.... not the UK [;-)]


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We have been refused an Egg card, twice now. It didn't affect anything else in our lives and it was absolutely crazy that we were refused, a pure none sense.

I would ask at the Banque de France about your credit rating, they should be able to tell you if you are on some sort of bad credit list.

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