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Can I pay for house in £ sterling?


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We are currently in the process of trying to buy a house from English vendors who wish to move back to the UK.

We originally agreed a price in euros but as the exchange rate changes on a daily basis this is increasing £ sterling price.

 The vendors would be happy to accept a fixed sterling price......is there any way that this can logistically be arranged?

Obviously we will have to pay the notaire's and estate agent's fees in euros.

If the notaire had a £ sterling account it would be easy to pay in £ sterling(presumably).

As he does not have such an account any advice as to how we can proceed would be appreciated



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I am new to all this and currently purchasing my first property in France.  This is also my first post.  Touch wood it has all been easy so far.


My vendor is English and will eventually want sterling and I refused to agree anything other than a sterling exposure for myself.  In practical terms I set out what I was prepared to pay in sterling and the agent worked back taking out the fees (at 1.15 but it was 2 weeks ago) coming up with a balance for the purchase price in sterling.  This offer was accepted.


I then found an English speaking Notaire (agent suggested one), emailed them and asked if they were prepared to act jointly, (fees get split so no extra) on the basis that the funds never actually hit Euros or France


They agreed so we have a mutually agreed UK solicitor where I will place the funds who will pay them out at the behest of the Notaire to the vendor.  The contract mentions the sterling price as primary with a calculated euro price for French taxes etc.


The solicitor cost is minimal.


Am waiting for the catch because everyone tells me it’s not supposed to be as easy as this, or is it just a buyers market so I can dictate and even the notaires are having to bend to get work?

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Last year or it could be the year before, a member of the forum did what you have decribed.  They didn't say anything about a UK solicitor holding the money but, apart from that minor detail, all was more or less as you have recounted.

She kindly posted from the West Country (after she settled back "home") in order to inform us that this is "do-able".  Like you, she experienced no difficulty.

Don't think I could find the exact post now but you could try something like "stirling payment" and see if the post comes up?

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We have just dealt with a sterling purchase at the agency I work for.

The purchaser and seller have both signed documents in the presence of solicitors confirming they have been advised by the Notaire of the risks they run by not purchasing through the Notaire, they have also given Power of Attourney to the Notaire's clerks. The seller has been paid the funds in sterling and has sent a letter to the Notaire confirming this. The purchaser has sent a bank cheque in euros to the Notaire for his and our fees. The Notaire then completed the sale and sent an attestation to the purchaser.

It is perfectly possible but not usual.

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