Panda Posted March 23, 2007 Share Posted March 23, 2007 HiProbably a daft question but having lived in France for nearly 4 years I have never regiestered with CAF as I assumed it was only for child allowance and as I only have one child I won't get any. I've just moved and seemed to be being asked for my CAF number lots of times, should I register and where do I do it, went on the site but it starts by asking for your number which I haven't got.Panda Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teamedup Posted March 24, 2007 Share Posted March 24, 2007 Even though we had a CAF number we wouldn't have got any benefits from having it, so I have never given it to any one.I think it's up to you really as to whether you want to register with them or not. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Suze01 Posted March 24, 2007 Share Posted March 24, 2007 What age is your child? AFAIK, although child benefit only kicks in at child number 2 there is a paiement jeune enfant allowance for the under three's. Also, depending on your RFR you may qualify for a lump sump payment for La Rentrée if your child is of school age and discounts for holiday clubs.From the national CAF website:Portrait de notre institutionLes Allocations familiales forment la"branche Famille" de la Sécurité sociale, à travers le réseau formé parla caisse nationale des Allocations familiales (Cnaf) et l'ensemble descaisses d'Allocations familiales (Caf). Dans l'accompagnement des ses 29,5 millions de bénéficiaires directs et indirects (6,5 bénéficiaires directs pour les prestations familiales et 5 pour les minima sociaux), la branche Famille s'adapte à une grande diversité de situations. En 2005, le total des prestations financéespar les Allocations familiales, ou versées pour le compte de l'Etat oudes Conseils généraux, s'élève à 62 milliards d'euros pour :- accompagner les familles dans leur vie quotidienne,- accueillir le jeune enfant,- faciliter l'accès au logement,- lutter contre la précarité ou le handicap.Quelques indicateurs de qualité de service :- 90 % d'appels téléphoniques traités en 2005,- 94 % des allocataires satisfaits (enquête TNS SOFRES 2004),- 97 % des courriers traités dans un délai inférieur à 21 jours, - 97 % des allocataires reçus dans un délai inférieur à 30 minutes.ProfilDepuis soixante ans, notre Institutionaccompagne les familles pour les aider dans leur vie quotidienne :éducation, garde des enfants, logement, loisirs.Acteur majeur de la solidarité nationale,l'un des pivots du "modèle social" français, elle est constituée d'unréseau d'hommes et de femmes présents sur tout le territoire.Résolument engagés sur la voie du progrès, ils ne cessent d'améliorerla qualité de leurs services, reconnue dans toutes les enquêtesréalisées par des organismes indépendants.Aujourd'hui, les Allocations familiales travaillent à concevoir les politiques familiales de demain. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Val_2 Posted March 25, 2007 Share Posted March 25, 2007 When your child is old enough to go onto University of a specialist Lycée and needs financial help for lodgings etc, they then have to register online with the CAF themselves. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teamedup Posted March 25, 2007 Share Posted March 25, 2007 Apart from child benefit, we qualified once for 6 months for a payment it was about £3 month and then it stopped. That was it. It is all means tested and we never got a sou for the rentree etc. My son now gets help towards his rent, the lousy wages he gets, he wouldn't be able to afford to have the bed sit he has without it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Suze01 Posted March 25, 2007 Share Posted March 25, 2007 [quote user="Teamedup"]It is all means tested and we never got a sou for the rentree etc. [/quote]When we moved here it was in december, so when we did our first tax return in the january it showed as as having virtually nil income, so the first year we were here we qualified for La Rentrée money and we also got the discounts for the holiday club which they used that year (a bit old now). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teamedup Posted March 25, 2007 Share Posted March 25, 2007 Yes, as I said it is means tested. We have qualified for sweet fanny adams. I used to get sick of people telling me that 'I' should be getting the money at the rentree, we just didn't qualify. Everything is on the CAF website anyway. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Punch Posted March 25, 2007 Share Posted March 25, 2007 There are probably around 50 or more prestations that come from the CAF, some are means tested, some are not. Allocation Familiale is not means tested for instance, and is automatic if you have two children or more, have registered with the CAF and have filled out your déclaration de resources for the year. For instance you get about 119 euros for two children, 271 euros for three, 424 euros for four children and then another 152 euros extra for each child thereafter. Then there is another 33 euros per child when they reach the age of 11 years old, but this is only payable if you have more than two children. I could never understand this system which is penalising for families with only one or two children. Allocation Rentrée Scolaire depends on income and number of children, so therefore is means tested. For instance for a family with two children the earnings plafond is currently 21,291 euros so if you have declared over this amount you get nowt.There are also primes for birth, moving home, students, handicaps etc etc., all available from the CAF website Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Clair Posted March 25, 2007 Share Posted March 25, 2007 [quote user="Punch"] this is only payable if you have more than two children. I could never understand this system which is penalising for families with only one or two children. [/quote]Originally created in 1945, the CAF aimed to increase the birth rate after the war: the more children in the family, the higher the payment received. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teamedup Posted March 25, 2007 Share Posted March 25, 2007 As I said, everything is on the CAF web site including the conditions for claiming. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Suze01 Posted March 26, 2007 Share Posted March 26, 2007 Are you going to keep saying that everytime someone adds a comment TU? If you look at your 1st post above you don't even mention the website in the first place [8-)] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Panda Posted March 26, 2007 Author Share Posted March 26, 2007 Thanks for the replies, as I expected I won't qualifiy for anything but think I will register anyway. Now I just need to find the right area, when I went on before my post I could only see a place to enter your number, must be going mad!Thanks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Suze01 Posted March 26, 2007 Share Posted March 26, 2007 You will need to open a 'dossier' at the CAF offices before being able to access your account on the website. Where do you live? The CAF is likely to be in the same town/city as your prefecture, have a look in the pages jaunes/blanches under Caisse Allocations Familiales. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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