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Do UK electrical items work OK in France?

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Hello - Is it possible to use UK purchased electrical items (a tumble dryer, TV for example) in France?  Would they work OK?  If so, I assume you could put a french plug on the wires to avoid having to keep using adaptors?  Would be grateful for any advice!  Thanks, Amanda

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Yes they will work OK. But you must realise French electrons do give off a garlic odour which can affect colour balance in your tumble drier, to compensate turn the sound down and only watch out of the corner of your eye.

It is possible to get a garlic dongle but these are expensive and have some problems. Good luck and enjoy the difference.

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Yes almost everything will worth. Older UK TV may be PAL only which will be fine for use with a Sky or other difgital satellite receiver but not good for French analogue TVs. It is well worthwhile changing the plugs particularly for items like Washing Machines which use a lot of power.
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[quote user="chessfou"][quote]It is well worthwhile changing the plugs particularly for items like Washing Machines which use a lot of power.[/quote]

Does the kind of plug really make any difference to power consumption?[/quote]


[quote user="chessfou"] Or is there some other compelling reason?[/quote]

Yes. Plug adapters are intended for use with low power consumption items only. If you use them on high power consumption (ie high current) equipment then there is a distinct possibility of overheating the plug adapter .... not recommended.



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[quote user="chessfou"][quote]It is well worthwhile changing the plugs particularly for items like Washing Machines which use a lot of power.[/quote]

Does the kind of plug really make any difference to power consumption? Or is there some other compelling reason?


No it doesn't, but.....using a high power appliance via an adaptor is a recipe for an overheated plug followed by possibly a fire.     This will spoil your whole day !!!!!!

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[quote user="Pat76"]

As a side question, would there be any problems plumbing in a washing machine? I mean, would the pipes be compatible, or would I need adaptors to connect them? 


No problems as such, but our ancient washing machine - brought over from the UK only 'cos our son changed his mind about having it - had hot and cold inlets for the water and there was only a single cold fill pipe in our French house so my OH had to block off one of the inlets on the wm with a 'truc' he found in Weldom.


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In France a single cold water feed is commonly used to connect washing machines........

But.......some UK washing machines will only operate if water pressure is applied to both inlets (H+C)........so before you leave the UK buy a plastic tee piece (more commonly a Y shaped piece) that will enable you to connect both your hot and cold supply pipes to a single cold feed.

Available in any decent plumbing outlet in the UK .

I have a feeling I have seen these Tee Pieces in France..........but I wouldn't swear to it.


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