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Contributions Sociales


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When we first received our bill for contributions sociales in 2004 we held an E106 and queried our local tax off ice if they should be paid and were told they should. We then paid them again in 2005. For 2006 the E106 ran out so I expect to pay the CS again. For 2007 we are on an E121 and expect to pay CS .

I now read on a property web site that contributions sociales should not be charged to holders of E106's and E121. Does anyone know what is correct?

With thanks


PS Sorry if this has been covered before but I could not find anything

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If you hold an E-form and have your heathcare charges paid for by the UK, then you are exempt from paying social contributions on foreign earnings and pensions.  However, the E-form does not exempt you from paying social contributions on unearned income such as savings interest.

The contribution which applies to foreign earnings/pensions is CRDS which is levied at 0,5% so unless your earnings have been substantial, then it might not be worth going back to the impots for a refund of the incorrect charges for previous years.

When you are in receipt of your E121, report your pension(s) in box AS/BS as usual but don't put them in box TL.  That will suppress the CRDS charge.

If you do want to challenge the past charges, you should refer your tax office to their guidance note 2041GG.   


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