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Form 2047: dumb question of the day


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Maybe I'm just going through a senior moment, but I can't imagine circumstances in which you would report anything in section IV (1) of the "pink form".  It asks for revenus des valeurs mobilières françaises, but only if they are encaissés hors de France - otherwise you wouldn't be using the pink form anyway.

How or when would a French taxpayer receive income from a French security but receive it outside France?  If for some reason you chose to deposit a French dividend cheque in a foreign bank account, would that require you to complete form 2047?

I have that awful feeling that I'm missing something obvious.  Perhaps it comes down to the exact meaning of "encaissé".

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I'm not sure but I suspect it's there so that "One" as a foreigner, resident in France, can't get away with having "tax-free" offshore accounts with substantial French shareholdings -

they wouldn't be caught by IV.2 ("valeurs mobilieres étrangeres"),

hence IV.1.

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