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House purchase-Bridging Finance


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Hi Everyone,

We are in the process of Selling and Buying our "maison secondaire", in the hope that we 'Sell' before we 'Buy'!

Unfortunately we have found the house we want to buy and it is on the market and within our budget.

Does anyone have experience or knowledge of "Bridge Financing" (interest only) offered by respectable finacial institutions, to assist with the purchase, until sale of the existing house takes place. Our French bank is not interested other than a full morgage.

Usually the term is short, maybe less than a year, at an affordable fixed interest rate.

Security is over the purchased house, offering a loan of 60-80% of valuation.

Experience is based on life on another planet!  

Just a thought!

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We had one (know here as a Pret Relais) but it was not interest only, perhaps it's that element that the banks are not interested in.  In order to get the loan we had to have a signed compromis on property 1, again perhaps that's the issue.  I believe they will advance some monies if the first property is not under offer but it will likely be less than 50% of the value.  You can't really blame them as some houses are taking years to sell at the moment.

Incidently the interest rate is really good on the bridging loan (compared to equiv in the UK), our was only 4.5%.  In our experience the loan was unsecured but was tied into sale of house 1, the notiare paid the bank directly from the proceeds.



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Thank you nick and panda for your help. Panda I will go back to my bank branch and try to obtain more information about a 'pret relais'

One can only assume this subject is not all that popular or the methodology is not used.

Thank you anyway.

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