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schooling grants


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I have had years of experience here with grants etc and it depends on your total income regarding your french tax return. In our case, being artisans we got bourses for collége meals, bourses for both children at Lycéé génerale for materials and cantine and then for Lycée superior and University for my daughter you apply for the CROUS and CAF payments towards lodgings and materials etc. We have been allocated this year for september for University for my son the CROUS and CAF again. If you are both working then you get nothing. It may be too late now for the new terms but for collège you need to see the secretary and provide your tax returns.
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As Val_2 says it's entirely to do with your income. Bourses for the school/university year 2007/2008 depend on your Avis d'Impôts 2005 but so far as I'm aware have nothing to do with being an artisan, commerçant or an employee simply how much you earned that year. However, it's unlikely you can make an application now until the rentrée.

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Just stated artisan to show how we earn a living  which as you know costs a lot in social charges and where most of our income goes to,but of course it depends on your total income for the bourse to be awarded,hence two breadwinners even on the SMIC don't usually qualify.
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