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Avis D'Impot


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Hi Irlandais

Have a look at the impots payment website (https://www.telepaiement.cp.finances.gouv.fr/)

You can register to pay online from there.

I cannot help re monthly payments as I pay mine in one hit to get it out of the way!

To pay by cheque, just sent it to the address at the top left of the right-hand page with a copy of the avis, to be on the safe side.

Always keep the original
, never ever send it or give it.

You can copy it and sign the copy as a proof of its authenticity (see bottom of the left page)

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[quote user="Clair"]Hi Irlandais

Have a look at the impots payment website (https://www.telepaiement.cp.finances.gouv.fr/)

You can register to pay online from there.

I cannot help re monthly payments as I pay mine in one hit to get it out of the way!

To pay by cheque, just sent it to the address at the top left of the right-hand page with a copy of the avis, to be on the safe side.

Always keep the original
, never ever send it or give it.

You can copy it and sign the copy as a proof of its authenticity (see bottom of the left page)



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[quote user="Sc"]

What you describe is your Avis d'Impot, you will receive your Avis d'Imposition later that has a tear off payment section with all the details you will need.



Can you explain the difference?

My Avis d'Impot states clearly the "Somme a payer"

and the "date limite de paiment" (end of next month)

If I will receive a separate document, why include this info now?

This is getting more complicated by the minute...

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[quote user="londoneye"]


I submitted my first tax return this year, and haven't received anything - should I contact them, or just wait?

Does everyone who submits a tax form get an Avis D'Impot?

[/quote]I haven't got mine either - it's really a bit early - maybe our o/p's is out of sync' for some reason?  Wait for the moment and you should get one eventually (normally nearer the end of the year, if I remember rightly, SD?)
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The Avis d'impot gives the balance outstanding taking into account any payments already made.

The avis d'imposition is the certificate you use to prove your taxable income.


Réception de l'avis d'impôt le revenu 

Les contribuables ayant souscrit une déclaration de revenus reçoivent l'avis d'impôt sur le revenu au cours de l'été. 

L'avis d'impôt sur le revenu comporte : 

  • l'ensemble des éléments déclarés : situation et charges de famille, les revenus imposables, les déductions et réductions d'impôt, le montant de l'impôt, 

  • l'indication du  revenu fiscal de référence .  

  • le décompte de la somme restant à payer après déduction des versements déjà effectués, 

  • les adresses, numéros de téléphone et horaires d'ouverture de votre centre des impôts et de votre trésorerie. 

Utilisation de l'avis d'imposition  

Certains avantages fiscaux (exonération des impôts locaux, de la redevance télévision, prime d'Etat d'un plan d'épargne populaire) et sociaux (exonération ou allégement de CSG sur certains revenus) sont réservés aux personnes dont la non-imposition ou la faible imposition résulte de la modicité de leurs revenus. 

Lorsqu'un organisme demande un justificatif de ressources, le contribuable lui remet la copie de l'avis d'impôt sur le revenu. 

Il faut toujours conserver l'original. 

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[quote user="irlandais"][quote user="Sc"]

What you describe is your Avis d'Impot, you will receive your Avis d'Imposition later that has a tear off payment section with all the details you will need.


Can you explain the difference?

My Avis d'Impot states clearly the "Somme a payer"
and the "date limite de paiment" (end of next month)

If I will receive a separate document, why include this info now?
This is getting more complicated by the minute...


It really should be as simple as I said Irlandais. I've never had a "Somme a payer" shown on a (green) Avis d'Impot, (including this year as I've received mine too) whereas the Avis d'Imposition (brown) has a big noticeable "Somme a Payer" box on it.

If you have a microenterprise and you want a bank loan, take your Avis d'Impot, if you're seeking benefits take along your Avis d'Imposition that doesn't show how your income was arrived at.



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