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Buying in the Carre d'Or area in Nice.

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Hi everyone!

I would like some advise on buying in the Nice area. I am looking to buy a 2 or 3 bed apartment in the Carre d'Or area. This property would be available for rental most of the year, and I am just wondering if anyone has any advise on firstly if this is a good idea as the current situation with the economy might say different. Also does anyone know any good websites for finding these types of properties. Please also offer any advise with any pitfuls I might encounter. Any general advise would be great on how I go about this.

Sorry for all the questions, I am just trying to avoid jumping in with my eyes closed!!


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I was in France for the last 2 weeks in the Alpes and in Nice and funny enough I was talking to someone who works in "agence de tourisme" in Nice about the crises and the effects for the tourism in this area, and it doesn t look to be to bad, obviously we are in the winter period and it is not the busiest period of the year for the cote d azur. The statistic shows they haven t lost much compairing to the last few years. The "good" thing about the crises it is to find cheaper properties at some prices you couldn t have in "normal" period. You can find some really good deals even in Nice. The crises is not going to be there for ever and I think it s time to buy. Nice has an amazing location, you have the sea, you have many festivals you are very near from Italy and the alpes for skiing and it s a beautiful city who attract many people and despite the crises it is not going to stop.

The prices for what you want it means 2 or 3 bedrooms flat in the Carre d or will be around 400 000 euros.

Don t hesitate to contact me if you want more informations ( i m french sorry if i make some mistake)

ecaconnection or cyril

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