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English association near Fougeres, Ile et Vilaine


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Is there an English-speaking association near Fougeres?

We hope to complete soon on a house and would like to meet up with our new neighbours for advice on: reputable builders,architects, red tape paperwork, phone and broadband packages, T.V. and satellite packages, etc. etc

I have some limited French language ability

Help would be much appreciated


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There is an anglophone organisation known as AFACTP (L’Amitié Franco-Anglaise au Carrefour des Trois Provinces), based just over the border in 50 at Vezins, near to St-Hilaire-du-Harcouët, so not at all far from Fougères.

See www.afactp.org (not a lot of information there but the current newsletter is on line).


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Dennis - the web site is in my reply above. www.afactp.org.

I suppose whether you consider it near or far depends on whether your glass is half full or half empty. [;-)] It's rather nearer to Fougères than the associations in Coutances or Vire, but I believe there is another in Mayenne which may be almost as close. The website I have for that is www.euromayenne.org , but that does not seem to be working at present.

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Will, you know that I would never disagree with you "just for the sake of it".  Goodness knows I have had much cause to be grateful to you for all the advice you have given me.

I was only trying to point out that it's not that close so that the OP can choose to do something about it or not.  I was very aware that the OP is newish to the  forum and might like to know all the pros and cons.

Will, I always respect your views because I know they are always considered.  You do bring a touch of commonsense when you contribute.  On top of that, I always enjoy your posts and look out for them!

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