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Does anyone live in Dieppe apart from the French?

I have read that Dieppe has an English community, that it has long had a connection with England, etc., yet I never seem to see a post from anyone who lives there.

(It's not that I want to live somewhere there are many Brits, although I wouldn't let it put me off, and on recent visits to Dieppe it hasn't been a problem.)

So ... does anyone frequenting these fora live there? If so, what are your experiences, if you would be so kind?

(I can be more specific in the event anyone actually responds! :D)

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We had a second home outside Dieppe for 15 years before we moved permanently to the Charente.  We loved it - it was the perfect bolthole for us & so many fantastic restaurants & great places to visit in the area.  Miss the fish market the most, also the kite festival, the herring & scallop festival, visits to Veules les Roses, walks along the beach at St Martin in the winter, the Gertrude Jekyll garden up the coast, close proximity to Rouen for days out & taking friends to the Somme & up the coast to the Normandy beaches.....what do you want to know???
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Oh, Veules les Roses - STOP IT, PLEASE!!!! Especially if you're going to mention Les Galets. :D

This is the year we intend (all right, I intend, but the Boss will be persuaded) to buy a property in France. We have good (French) friends living in the Somme and for many years had a school exchange running with a school there.

We both really like Dieppe. But are conscious that we know the rest of France no better than we know, say, the South of England (we have always lived in the North).

Are there any drawbacks to living in Dieppe? Where would you choose? We would have to let the property for much of the year: house or flat? We would also want to get on with our neighbours: anything to consider there?


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No drawbacks that I can think of....though weather tends to be similar to south of UK......not sure about the holiday rental market though as it tends to be driven through by Brits off the ferry & not really a holiday destination with the French, though Parisians do visit for weekends.  In our village just outside Envermeu we were the only Brits & several houses were owned by Parisians as second homes.  The Saturday market & fish restaurants are the main draw...........  Some lovely properties along that coast line towards Veules les Roses.  A flat on the front in Dieppe itself may well prove to be more of an income generator - am sure an estate agent or 2 will be along soon to offer advice on that one..  On the subject of neighbours, then the answer is how long is a piece of string - we always got on with ours, but the Normans have a reputation for being a bit gruff, we never had any problems but have an open mind & are flexible, so may be just us.
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