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Prêt à taux zéro


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Hello there,

I wonder if anyone has any advice...

My boyfriend and I are looking to buy a house this year. I'm english and he is french.

We have found a bank who will lend us the money even though I am paid into an english bank account. 

Our bank mentioned the Prêt à taux zéro but wasnt sure if it would work. If we are assessed on my boyfriends wages we are entitled to borrow part of the mortage at 0%. If both of our wages are assessed together, we can not.

I pay some tax in the UK but not in France at all.

All comments appreciated!


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Hollie, if you are living in France, no matter where you're paid, you need to be registered with the French tax authoritie so I don't see how you can avoid not telling the French lenders about your income.  If you get caught not declaring your income, you may well be opening up a large and nasty can of worms should they ever find out.


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Hi Tony,

Thanks for your reply.

I'm actually a non-resident of France so I dont think it is necessary to declare myself.

Please correct me if i'm wrong as only going by what advice I've been given.

I am thinking about taking up some part time work though and once I do, then of course I would declare it for tax.


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