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Buying Land - Advice Please

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Some advice needed please. 

We have agreed to purchase some building land adjacent to our house.  We're  going to the Notaire next week to sign the Compromis de Vente. 

At our initial meeting, we were asked if we planned to erect/build anything on the land. We presume that if so, the Notaire would arrange for a Certificate d'urbanism (CU) from the Mairie. 

As we do not intend to build, we said no. 

Now we are wondering if it makes a difference whether we have a CU.  I understand that it is only valid for 1 year, so would need to be renewed annually.  Or is this something that can be issued some time down the line should we decide to build at a later date.


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If I may say so, I think that the original question has not been answered... So, if you do not intend to build in the near future, then there is no need to ask for a "CU pre-operationnel" (ie outline planning permission).  However, you should receive a simple "CU" which will give you some information on the land, eg if it has water, electricity etc.  Hope this helps!





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From my experience the Notaire cannot arrange a CU, he would instruct a geometre, this was about €200 and took about 3 months (subject to approval), it would then be valid for 18 months, and considered the period to apply for detailed planning, if you wanted to build and declared this at purchase he should then advise the vendor on the value of building land against agricultural. Terrain a batir should have a valid CU in place, Good Luck[8-|]



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