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credit agricole dossier


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I have recieved a letter from credit agricole but I dont know what its for

it says

Mise en conforormite de votre dossier client

la photocopie d une piece d identite valide (cf liste jointe au verso)

la potocopie d un justificatif de domocile valide

la connaissance de votre situation professionnelle (cf coupon repose)

also there is a form to fill out with a bar code at the top

it says Merci de verifier completer ou corriger les informations ci-dessous

Has anyone had the same thing and what does it mean

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Hi Woody

They are saying that they need the following info from you to complete their file:

photocopy of valid ID (list on the other side but passport will be fine)

photocopy of proof of your address (eg utility bill)

your professional situation (are you working and if so, as what)

I don't know what the form is because I can't see it.  If you tell me something of what it says on it I'll be able to let you know.


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thanks for reply, the form says

votre situation professionnelle :  TECHN DIVERS

si celle-ci est erronee ou incomplete, merci de cocher une case du tableau ci-dessous et de la preciser ci-dessus

vote etat civil : si celui-ce est errone ou incomplet, mentionner ci-dessous

I wonder what "techn divers" means


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It is all part of the war on money laundering and means that the bank keeps a "technical dossier" on all of its clients.  I have just had a similar expereince with our German bank wanted to update my wifes details with a fresh copy of her passport picture page (it was renewed about 6 years ago and they had just got around to us.
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yes, they just want you to use that form to specify your professional situation.

is there a way of getting an email on this forum so that you know if someone has replied to your post?  otherwise you just have to remember to go back and check.


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[quote user="lmc"]is there a way of getting an email on this forum so that you know if someone has replied to your post?  otherwise you just have to remember to go back and check.[/quote]

Go to your profile, scroll down to Email options and select Yes on "Enable Email Notifications of replies to your posts".
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