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bank statement

Barbel Bob

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I was reading my bank statement today and noticed two direct debits that went out last month and this month too..........I havent got a clue what they are for....can anyone help???


1st -  PRVL COTIS CSCA EQUILIBRE ECFDI   -   I receive family allowance and think this may be taxes on this?


Any help appreciated


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The fees vary depending which CA region you are in and without knowing which CA you're with or your location in your profile, I cannot answer more specifically.

With my CA bank (CANMP), an Equilibre account costs €5 per month.

The annual card fee varies according to which card is ordered and if two bank cards are requested, the annual fee for the cheapest card ordered is halved.

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Crédit Agricole Aquitaine

If you have a "package" account (compte-service), you usually have accees to an agreed overdraft, some form of insurance against the loss of your bank cards, and it would appear you also have a 3-month-FOC subscription to their very own magazine called "Dossier Familial", which"vous informe sur votre vie quotidienne (impôts, logement, famille, santé."

See here: http://www.ca-aquitaine.fr/particuliers/services-essentiels/Compte-Service-Particuliers.html

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Thanks you have as usual been a great help!

I will call into the bank to sort it out, i did not even relate any of these DD to the bank! I have checked and they have been going out for 8mths, i will have to pay more attention in future [:)]


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We also have an account with CA (NMP - like Clair) The first charge is the monthly account charge. Have a look on your terms and conditions and tarifs leaflet for more info and what you get for having this account.

The second charge is for the useless magazine which you will have signed up to when you opened your account. You should have received letters to enable you to cancel it

Ask at the bank if you want more info


EDIT I see I have been beaten to it...

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