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Social Contributions on Dividends


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I've been trying to work out the financial consequences of moving to France ( not any time soon, unfortunately ). One of which is tax.   I've reached the point where I can get the simulator at http://www3.finances.gouv.fr/calcul_impot/2008/complet/index.htm to do as I expect with one exception.  All the sources I can find agree that a portion of CSG paid on investment income is deductible from taxable income not elected for fixed rates; they just disgree about when.  Searching  for "CSG deductible" on the impots website ( it doesn't seem you can link to search results there ) I find

CSG déductible
Pour les revenus du patrimoine soumis au barème progressif de l'impôt sur le revenu, la CSG est déductible du revenu imposable de l'année de son paiement, à hauteur de 5,8%.

Comment faire ? Vous déclarez les revenus du patrimoine sur votre déclaration n° 2042 et ses annexes. Vous recevez ensuite l'avis d'imposition, différent de celui de l'impôt sur le revenu, qui vous indique le montant des contributions à payer au titre des revenus déclarés et le montant de la C.S.G déductible.
Il figurera également sur votre prochaine déclaration de revenus.

I read this as saying that the deductible amount will automatically be credited in your next year's tax return.  Which would explain why I can't find any way of entering it on the tax return simulator.  But I confess that I find the tax return a real stretch to follow - it not unreasonably expects you to have some background on French taxes/ social levies.

So, after all that, can anyone confirm what the position really is? When do you get the deduction, and is something that you claim, or that is processed by the French revenue.

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"I read this as saying that the deductible amount will automatically be credited in your next year's tax return." 

That is exactly how it works for people who are inactif, don't know anything about how it works for businesses or those working in France.

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[quote user="Ron Avery"]

"I read this as saying that the deductible amount will automatically be credited in your next year's tax return." 

That is exactly how it works for people who are inactif, don't know anything about how it works for businesses or those working in France.


I thought that you had disapeared into cyberspace Ron, glad to see that you are till around and as helpfull as ever.

Or on second thoughts did you perhaps miss the word "I" before "don't know anything"?

Not trying to teach a pedant how to suck eggs of course but it is a good illustration of how the meaning of a post can be drastically altered by spelling,  punctuation or abbreviation!

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J.R and petrol [:-))]" said  

"I read this as saying that the deductible amount will automatically be credited in your next year's tax return." 

That is exactly how it works for people who are inactif, (Edit I ) don't know anything about how it works for businesses or those working in France.

I thought that you had disapeared into cyberspace Ron, glad to see that you are till around and as helpfull as ever.

I thought that you had disappeared into cyberspace Ron, glad to see that you are still around and as helpful (l) as ever.

Not trying to be a pedant of course[:P][:P]

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