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Costs on land purchase?

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Further to our neighbour's death, I have agreed verbally to buy some land adjoining our property.

The land is classed as garden in the cadastre and totals 750m².

Can anyone offer an idea as to the costs the purchase will entail?

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I've read about this before and I think the costs are sometimes more than the cost of the land. There's a sliding scale of notaire's fees, the minimum being several hundred euros.

I believe you also have to get a geometre to measure up and re-draw the cadastres. So that's another cost.

There are websites which give the notaire's fees.


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[quote user="Patf"]I believe you also have to get a geometre to measure up and re-draw the cadastres. So that's another cost. [/quote]

Thanks Pat.

The plot is clearly marked on the ground and shown on the cadastre, so I assume only a change of ownership is required, along with the associated costs...?

I have now looked at several websites and the costs vary from €1100 to €1600.

I'll assume the worst!


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Clair I have just done the same thing.... brought some land and a barn off my neighbours if you want to PM me I will give you the cost of the land and the cost of the notaires fees I paid ... as some one else said there is a scale with a minamum cost that your notaire will tell you ... ( if you pop into the waiting room of a notaires there should be a list of cost on the wall) 







(the ne hret

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