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Payment of French Tax


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[quote]Les premiers avis d'imposition seront distribués par voie postale à partir

de la deuxième semaine d'août. Si vous n'êtes pas mensualisé, vous

devrez régler le solde de l'impôt pour le 15 septembre au plus tard.[/quote]
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Since we prepared our tax form on line for the first time can anyone tell me whether we can expect to receive the tax avis before the 15 September?  All I have at the moment is confirmation of the date i completed on line and a reference.

Thanks in anticipation...

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[quote user="minnie"]

Since we prepared our tax form on line for the first time can anyone tell me whether we can expect to receive the tax avis before the 15 September?  All I have at the moment is confirmation of the date i completed on line and a reference.

Thanks in anticipation...


Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong but I do not believe there is a French civil servant on this forum who works in the taxation department ,in fact I bet there is not even a French civil servant on this forum

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[quote user="minnie"]

Since we prepared our tax form on line for the first time can anyone tell me whether we can expect to receive the tax avis before the 15 September?  All I have at the moment is confirmation of the date i completed on line and a reference. [/quote]

You should do - we haven't got ours yet as Morbihan always seems to lag behind everyone else. 


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Avis d'impôt sur le revenu

  • 1er envoi par La Poste, à partir du 07/08/08 visible online on 01/08/2008
  • 2ème envoi par La Poste,à partir du 13/08/08 visible online on 12/08/2008
  • 3ème envoi par La Poste, à partir du 06/10/08 visible online on 02/10/2008
Avis des contributions sociales

  • envoi par La Poste, à partir du 29/09/08 visible online on 02/10/2008
Avis de taxe d'habitation / TV

  • 1er envoi par La Poste, à partir du 06/10/08 visible online on 02/10/2008
  • 2ème envoi par La Poste, à partir du 29/10/08 visible online on 06/11/2008
Avis de taxe d'habitation sur les locaux vacants et de taxe sur les locaux vacants

  • envoi par La Poste, à partir du 10/11/08 visible online on 06/11/2008
Avis de taxe foncière

  • 1er envoi par La Poste, à partir du 27/08/08 visible online on 01/09/2008
  • 2ème envoi par La Poste, date à fixer visible online on 02/10/2008
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Thanks Clair for the helpful dates, we can now look forward to 3 months of paying bills [:'(]

Also - Why has the heading of this thread changed from "Payment of French Tax" to "Renewing rights of L'assurance Maladie" ??? Do we have a gremlin in the works?? [8-)]

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[quote user="minnie"]

Since we prepared our tax form on line for the first time can anyone tell me whether we can expect to receive the tax avis before the 15 September?  All I have at the moment is confirmation of the date i completed on line and a reference.

Thanks in anticipation...


You should be able to see your Avis on-line now and print off a copy if you want to.

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Re Clair's helpful list of dates above:   We pay monthly and have looked online but our avis is not available yet.  We assume that means we will not get ours until October.  Not helpful as we know we have not paid enough!  More income and less deductions. We would have liked to have known earlier.  Can anyone remember when we have to pay the extra please?


Mrs H.

Edit: we also get the dreaded Contributions Sociales so need to know when cash is needed!

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  • 1 month later...

I have been awaiting our Social Charges Bill this last week, but as yet I have not received anything. (Clair's helpful notice gives dates of when these dreaded bills should arrive..).

Are they late? Is mine lost in the post? Do I not owe anything?? (I wish [Www] )

Clair - I know you say you can check on-line, but can I do this, as this is my 1st year in the French system? 

If I can check on-line can you please give me a link as a starting point Please [:D]

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I have just seen my CS bill online, so I know it's on its way.

To check online, you will need your Avis d'impôts sur les revenus.

Go to http://www.impots.gouv.fr/

click on on Particuliers,

click on Abonnez-vous à votre espace (either on left-hand side column or under Espace Abonne in the main section of the page)

Enter your Numéro Fiscal (click on the ? to see where to find it) then follow the prompts.

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Thanks Clair. I have tried the on-line route, but I don't seem to have a Teledeclarant number (I have read somewhere else on the forum on how to get the little e thingies on my UK keyboard, but I can't remember what it was..... Too many candles on the cake [:D] ) I think maybe this number is not available until I am computerised into the system if you know what I mean (after the 1st year). Oh Dear this post is going down hill fast. I think I need a lie down and I will patiently await the post lady. Just knowing it's not lost somewhere and I have to start chasing the darn thing, makes me feel better.... Thanks again
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Nothing to get too worried about at the moment Nell. The following are the dates from last year's menancing demand oops sorry I mean Contribution Social.

Établi le : 27/09/2007

Date de mise en recouvrement : 14/10/2007

Date de limite depaiment : 15/11/2007

As with other taxes you can pay on line and this will get you another 10 days after the 15/11 to hang on to the money.

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 "went to the Tax office just now as I didn't have my télédéclarant number and they gave it to me straight away".
For clarity, can you confirm if you have already declared your taxes on line?[8-)]

 My tax office in 12 told me that you do not get a teledeclarant number if you have not declared on line,  how could you they said, and that I would have to wait for the next tax year.  This same answer was also provided by SW tax office info line to a similar query.  For information, the teledeclarant number is at the bottom of the pre-completed 2042 tax return that you are sent in the 2nd year.

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No, I handed our return in to the tax office on the day before the deadline this year.

I have now registed on the impot site and can view returns for the last three years, as well as the taxes foncières and habitation.

I must admit I thought it slightly strange, but can assure you we have not declared online.

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