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Calculating Impôts locaux?

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Hello - I've been looking around the taxe.com web site for information on local taxes.. Is anyone familiar with what the figures mean in terms of calculating the impots (see below). Is it a multiplier of the 'surface habitable'? I'm mainly interested in how to calculate for 'habitation' and 'foncieres' based on a residence secondaire, from the view of a UK resident.. Many thanks for any help.

Impôts locaux


Département AUDE


Taxe d'habitation

Taxe professionnelle

Taxe foncière sur les propriétés bâties

Taxe foncière sur les propriétés non bâties

Droits de mutation

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As long as you do not have the valeur locative of your premises, you can forget it.

You are trying to do something that no one does.

Under normally circumstances, you get the information of last year's  local taxes ( NB. This is a local matter, and depends on the finances of a Commune, so there are great variations, from one to another ) from the immobilier.

NB. Should you file a " permis de construire " or " une declaration de travaux ", then you taxes will go up.

As regards the percentages charged, they can vary per Commune each year.

It is to be expected that the taxes will go up steeply in 2009, and if they have tried to delay this, then in 2010.

Over 30% ( average in France) of the loans by the Communes ) made locally are so-called "bad loans" ( and we are talking of loans for long than 20 years, some 50 years ). The extra costs are so high, that there has been a general appeal to the State, who can not really do anything.



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