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Form 3916 - "Foreign" Bank Accounts


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I'm just trying to fill in this form to go with my tax declaration, and I've fallen at the first fence.

Section 1 - headed "Identite du (ou des) Declarants" - asks for my name, my address, and my quality.


I thought that was abolished during the revolution - Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite.

What am I supposed to put there?

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[quote user="Araucaria"]I'm just trying to fill in this form to go with my tax declaration, and I've fallen at the first fence.

Section 1 - headed "Identite du (ou des) Declarants" - asks for my name, my address, and my quality.


I thought that was abolished during the revolution - Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite.

What am I supposed to put there?


Private individual (particulier) or a company name

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The notice attached to the form says:

[quote]"Qualité : à remplir dans le cas où le déclarant agit pour le compte d'un membre de son foyer fiscal, d'une personne rattachée à ce foyer ou pour le compte d'un tiers extérieur au foyer fiscal en qualité de représentant légal d'une personne physique (tuteur, curateur, mandataire, etc.), d'une entreprise ou d'une personne morale (gérant, mandataire, administrateur, liquidateur, etc.).[/quote]

which Google translates as:

to be completed if the registrant is acting on behalf of a member of his household tax, a person connected to this outbreak, or on behalf of a third party outside the home tax as

the legal representative of a natural person (guardian, Trustee, Agent, etc..), a company or a legal person (manager, agent, administrator, liquidator, etc.).
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Could I ask a related question; I understand it's acceptable to write the account details on plain paper, rather than fill in a 3916.

If doing this, do you just write bank name, bank address and account number? That's all?


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I found that filling in the form on-line on the "impots" website made it all very easy: the first page was much the same for each account, and only the data on page two had to be altered. You then print each form off (trying to remember to print two copies of each, one to keep, which of course I forgot) as you do it, then go on to the next. The forms don't have to be submitted on-line.

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Good tip, but I'm thinking that a plain paper list has the advantage that I can just update it as & when we open or close an account, then just print it off once a year.

i couldn't find anything skimming through the 3916 worksheet about this, but does anyone know if there's a lower limit (either on balance or interest accrued) at which you can leave an account off the 3916? We've got odd dormant UK accounts with £1 left in, plus a penny or two a year in interest, but don't really want to close those accounts?


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[quote user="Araucaria"]Thanks Clair - if it's my own bank account I just leave it blank then?


You can put in "Titulaire du Compte" - "Account Holder"

"Qualité" in this context is you status in relation to the account.  Eg.  Account Holder (as above), Company Secretary, Director etc.

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Juswundrin - you only send in this form 3916 once (with your first tax return) to declare the accounts you have, it's not subsequently required each year. You only fill in a new one if you open or close an account. But I think the instructions actually say its a separate form for each account.

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The 3916 is required every year.....

It's in the Notice on the back of the form:

En application de l'article 1649 A (2e al.) du Code général des impôts, issu de la loi de finances pour 1990 (loi no 89-935 du 29 décembre 1989), les particuliers, les associations et les sociétés n'ayant pas la forme commerciale sont tenus de déclarer, en même temps que leur déclaration de revenus ou de résultats, les références des comptes ouverts, utilisés ou clos à l'étranger au cours de l'année de déclaration (année n).

Une déclaration doit être souscrite pour chacun des comptes concernés.



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I keep mine on a spreadsheet using these headings:


Account Holder                        INTITULÉ DU COMPTE   

Account Number/Type            NUMÉRO DE COMPTE/CARACTÉRISTIQUES               

Sortcode/BankName            DÉSIGNATION DE L'ÉTABLISSEMENT                           

Address                                    ADRESSE                           

Date account opened               DATE D'OUVERTURE


It's then very easy to add accounts if necessary

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SD: thanks for the correction. I am new to this!

But maybe Cat's French Tax FAQs at the top of this section need to be changed then:

What Cat says there is:

"This form must be completed for all accounts held outside France

that were in existence at any time during the tax year, even if if you

did not receive any income from them. Unless these accounts change, this form only needs to be filled in once. 

Incidentally, if the notice on the back had only said "comptes ouverts ou clos" I'd have taken issue with you - indeed, that's what I thought it did say ("declare the accounts you have opened or closed during the year") - but it does also say accounts you have used - utilises - so it does look like an annual obligation after all.

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