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Tax declaration - earnings from very occasional freelance work


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On our Tax declaration form 2042K, Section 1 Traitements, salaires, etc., which would be the appropriate place to declare my wife's modest earnings from occasional broadcasting work?

Any ideas? Or should I go and sit in the queue at the Tax office?


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How you declare it (and, indeed, whether or not you are likely to open a disproportionately large-size can of worms by declaring it) depends on things like where the work was carried out, who for, and on what basis, and whether or not taxes and/or charges have already been paid.
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Yes, that's more or less what I thought.  Previously I've been bunging it in with my own earnings - it made little difference, but at least I felt honest in having declared it somewhere.

This time I have no salary or other professional earnings to declare, only pension income, so I don't have a handy place to put it, unless I add it in with the pension income, which doesn't seem right somehow.


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There is a concession (well, there was two or three years ago, I would imagine it still applies) that local press correspondents earning less than a certain percentage of the social security threshold - it then amounted to about two or three thousand euros - were exonerated from the need to register as self employed and pay cotisations. Whether or not freelance broadcasting would count in the same way is something I cannot answer. At the time the tax ofice seemed to know little or nothing about it - my information came from URSSAF.

Now we have the autoentrepreneur regime things might have changed, because for almost any small spare time activity you can now bypass the full registration procedure and pay cotisations as you earn. Tax can also be paid on the same basis if your household income is below a certain figure, otherwise it is declared on your tax form. So there should be a box somewhere for such earnings. The danger is that if you declare income on which cotisations have not been paid, questions could be asked. Frankly I think this is unlikely if the amount is small.

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