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Tresor Public - Help please


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Hi, I would be very grateful if someone could please help me as to what this reminder of payment might be for as this is the first letter I've received from the Tresor Public asking for this payment and I really do not have a clue as to what it is for.

L'exament de votre situation arretee a la date du 05/06/09 montre que vous restez redevable des produits dont les references figurent ci-apres pour un montant total de 119.48 euros.

Thanks in advance. Chris

Date de emission de la piece 30/04/09

No de piece R-1192

Numero d'ordre 1

Titre 36 Role 25

Montant 119.48

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Any chance it could be the redevance audiovisuel? That's around 120€ isn't it?

You've told us what it says, but what it says is that having examined your situation as at the 5/6/09, you owe them for the references which are cited, a total of €119.40

However, as you don't seem to have the detail of what the "reference" refers to, it's anyone's guess.

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Thanks Claire,

Have just been into the Tresor and it's a bill for emptying my poubelle. Apparently it is sent yearly in April but it seems our bill went astray! Mind you I thought it was something far more serious as for some reason I always expect the worst here in france.

Do all departments receive a separate bill for emptying their bins - at what amounts to €2.50 per week I shall make more use of my bin !

As always thanks for the responses - it's good to talk as they used to say. Chris
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