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Tax relief on window replacements etc


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We are starting quite a major renovation project and have heard that a grant or tax relief can be claimed for window frames, double glazing and solar heating. We are not French tax payers and our main residence is in the UK. Can we claim anything? Thanks for any help or information, Elaine
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[quote user="elainet"]We are starting quite a major renovation project and have heard that a grant or tax relief can be claimed for window frames, double glazing and solar heating. We are not French tax payers and our main residence is in the UK. Can we claim anything? Thanks for any help or information, Elaine[/quote]

The tax relief can be claimed only if the property is your main home.

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  • 2 weeks later...

One think to keep at the back of your minds, folks when organising replacement windows/ doors is that - for reasons that neither I nor Madame LaTaxe, my lovely, helpful lady at the Centre des Impots (who speaks beautiful English), can not explain - while the cost of most windows can be partially reclaimed, the same is not necessarily true of doors.

We were ploughing through the pile of papers from the installer (either Adler, or Huis Clos, can't remember) together and she shook her head and said that, no, sadly a proper Porte d'Entree does not qualify. I was about to scoop all the papers back up and put them in  the bag again when I remembered the conversation with the salesman some 12 months previously which had gone alone the lines of : - 

"HOW much ??? for a Door?"... 

"Well it is bomb-proof sir, and capable of withstanding attack from a combined NATO force for up to 20 minutes, and had 103 locking points"

"Still, I'm not paying that much for a Porte d'entree."

"Well, there is THIS model sir... it's a little cheaper, it's actually a porte-fenetre"

"What's the difference?"

"Nothing really, not quite so butch, still had 5 locking points, still has a 15 year garantee, but can only withstand 20 minutes bombardment from the TA."

"Show me the price... Ah. not quite so eye-watering"  

(This is, perhaps, no a verbatum recollection, but the porte-fenetre bit is accurate)

Anyway, once I showed Madame LaTaxe the magic words porte-fenetre on the facture, her face lit up and she said, yes, I could include the numbers for it in my impots sur revenue. Which I duely did.

I can't quite get my head round the idea of an officer of the revenue (as you call them in the UK) being delighted to find a way of saving a customer money, but - in our departement at least - she is not alone.

So when you are being harranged and bamboozled by a double-glazing salesman to choose this wonderful up-market porte d'entree, ask him if they do the same in a porte-fenetre version. It will not only be cheaper to buy, but also you'll get the tax back on it !





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i think i am correct in saying that you only get the tax back on the labour part of the window fitting and not the cost of the windows.We had new ones fitted and all you do is send the invoice the window company supply for claiming tax and you get a rebate in a few weeks of putting your tax return in.
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