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Avis D'imposition prélèvements sociaux


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  • 3 weeks later...

Bringing this up again.............

Its not the bill we thought it was, therefore its an extra bill that we hadnt counted on and a rather large one at that! Has anyone been able to pay it in instalments or would we have to pay this one off and set up for next year in instalments?

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Thus far this bill is only payable in one hit, afaik.  However, this year we've been offered monthly payments for the taxe fonciere for the first time so with luck they'll offer this eventually as they drag themselves into the 21st century. 

Nevertheless, one always has to pay the current bill in one hit as all the monthly payment options available thus far (taxe d'hab, impot sur le revenu etc etc) have been payments in advance.

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[quote user="NormanH"]This is for social charges...not a tax bill strictly speaking.
It could be for CSG and CRDS but it seems a bit early for those.


Not at all a "bit early" in my experience, Norman.  Received ours over 2 weeks ago and in the process of changing enough money from sterling to pay it; before they put me in debtors' prison.

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We too have received a bill for the first time this year. I presumed it is related to Gite income but the sum the three taxes (8.2%, 0.5% and 3.4%) are based on does not bear any relation to our actual income. How on earth is this calculated and should we even be paying it?

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Taux des contributions sociales

Les revenus d'activité et de remplacement sont soumis à la CSG et à la CRDS :

  • Le taux de la C.S.G varie suivant le type de revenus :

    - 7,50 % pour les revenus d'activité

    - 6,6 % pour les pensions de retraite, d'invalidité et de préretraite (revenus perçus à compter du 1er janvier 2005)

    - 6,2 % pour les allocations chômage, indemnité maladie, maternité

    Pour les revenus perçus à compter du 1er janvier 2005, la CSG est

    déductible pour les revenus d’activité à hauteur de 5,1 % et pour les

    revenus de remplacement à hauteur de respectivement 3,8 % et 4,2 %.

  • C.R.D.S :  0,5 %
Rate of social contributions

Secondary income and replacement
income are subject to the CSG and CRDS:

  • The rate of the CSG depends on the type of income:

- 7.50% for secondary income

- 6.6% for pensions, disability and early retirement (income received from 1 January 2005)

- 6.2% for unemployment benefit, sickness benefit, maternity

For income derived on or after 1 January 2005, the CSG is deductible

for income business up by 5.1% and for income replacement level of 3.8% and


  •   C.R.D.S: 0.5%[/quote]
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[quote user="Celestine"]We havent got any unearned income - only money my hubby has earnt under his business so dont understand!![/quote]

Celestine, you may have made a mistake on your tax return, I did and have this bill even though I pay my cotisatons to URSAFF.  I have contacted my tax office and they confirmed I have completed a box I shouldn't have and that I do not need to pay.  I don;t have the bill but if you look on the back it states that this is payable on income not subject to other forms of social charges and it tells you exactly which box you completed for the calculation.  Perhaps you;ve done the same as me, this is my 4th return so lord alone knows how I managed to 'c0ck' this one up!

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Ah Panda - thanks very much. I wonder if youre right! Gosh, I hope so!! This is the first year we have had this too. Also, a few weeks earlier we received a healthy rebate from the Avis D'impot then they hit us with a bill for double that which they gave us back. Ive got a lady from MSA coming out this afternoon, hopefully she can help me.
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Went to tax office today and we had indeed put the figures in the wrong box so we wont have to pay that bill. PHEW!!!! The lady didnt seem surprised at all and just wanted to see that we already pay that through MSA. Thanks tö Panda for pointing it out - I owe you a beer sometime lol.
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What good news Celestine, I too nearly fainted when the bill came and was very relieved when it turned out to be an error.  Weird though that we both made the mistake having never done so in the past, perhaps the box is new??



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