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Taxe fonciere et taxe d'habitation


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I understood that one tax was waived for new and restored property for 2 years. Our new-build apartment was handed over in April 2008, so we assumed that no tax would be payable until 2010. We were told by a local that should be 2012, as it should start in January of that year.

We received a taxe fonciere bill and paid that, as neighbours paid theirs, and assumed the waiver applied to Td'H. However, we've received the bill for that this evening in UK.

Could someone help clear this up please.

Also, we don't have TV, so even if Td'H is due this year, am I right in thinking I'll just need to pop into the local tresorerie and tell them?

Thanks, GG

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Its the Taxe Fonciere that is usually waived for 2 years, not the Habitation which comes into effect immediately.

I believe that councils do levy the Fonciere automatically from the start with no waiver period. Also have you been charged the full amount or is it just for the land? In most cases the two taxes are broadly similar in the amount charged.

You will have to make a declaration to the Hotel des Impots to confirm that you have no TV.

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