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post office account


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does anyone know where i can obtain any info on opening an account with the french post office from here in england , we have a french house and are loooking to see if their bank charges are any cheaper than our current one, ideally info in french as this is the main advantage of our current one.

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They also say they will take charge of transferring all your dds, etc from your current bank.

Un service gratuit pour changer de banque plus facilement.

<<La Banque Postale vous propose de prendre

en charge vos formalités de changement de domiciliation bancaire.>>


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  • 2 weeks later...
just for interest,we have had a LaPoste account for the last 7 years with no probs at all.Unfortunately like uk the post offices are shrinking in number,but even the "commune run" part time offices are still generally good except that they do not usually have the computer to handle the account on line as it were.Costs us about 60 euros per year for a current account with overdraft facility. Maude
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