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L'Assurance Retraite


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Hi everyone

Could someone help me please? I hope I've posted this in the right section.

During last year my husband carried out work under the cesu (cheque d'emploi) scheme and he also registered as an auto-entrepreneur in Nov 2009.

We consequently received a form to fill in requesting information about any employees salaries. Obviously under AE there are no employees and we stated this on the form. We have now received a form from CRAM-CO through an Agence Retrait in Niort with a form and questionaire to fill in. I understand that this is to do with retirement but my question is - is this related to the cheque d'emploi work or the AE registration? Under the section 'Relevé de Carrière' there is an amount entered in the salaires en euros box for activité régime général in 2009 but it doesn't correspond exactly with any of the total figures I have from the Bulletin de Salaires for 2009 and my husband has not earned anywhere near the amount entered under AE as he only registered in Nov 2009.

So I am a bit confused. Is this for the french state pension covered by cotisations already paid or is it a complementaire pension for which they will ask further premiums?

Sorry for the long post but I wanted to give as much information as possible.

Many thanks in advance

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