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HELP! I no longer know how to shut down the computer!


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Since some updates, at least I think that's when the problem started, I now get four choices when I want to shut down.  Formerly, there were only three choices: mettre en veille, arrêter or redémarrer;  Now I get an extra choice:  se déconnecter.

I find that if I click arrêter, the programmes go and the screen goes blank but the lights are on to show that the computer is not turned off

OTOH, if I click se déconnecter, the screen goes blank and the lights are on to show that the comuter is not turned off

Please notice, there is no difference which button I choose.  In order not to have to start it all off again, I have resorted to simply click off the main switch.  But that means that when I put the computer on again, the next time I want to use it, I get all the kerfuffle of re-starting everything as though the computer has been knocked off and it now wants me to choose whether I want my last active screen back or to start a new one.

It's all rather time consuming and frustrating.  So tell me what YOU do, does this happen to you too or am I simply  a chosen victim or just a simpleton?

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Are you on Windows 11?  Mine has the four options, as NormanH says, disconnect is when you want to close out of your account on the computer to allow some else to use their account on the same computer, should you have such a set up.

Otherwise arrêter should work, however I understand that t one KB update ending in 145 caused problems, so that may be it.  Also there are motherboard specific problems too.  Hopefully they will correct it sometime in the near future.

Have a look at this video and see if it helps:  No guarantees as I don't have this problem (though I (and thousands of others ) do have a major problem with W11 update that completely nullifies hundreds of euros worth of kit that requires a specific thing to work with Windows - so you are not alone!!



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Thank you, lehaut.  I have windows 10 and deliberately not update to 11 but sometimes it feels to me that the computer obeys Microsoft (or whoever) rather than me.  The man in the video has explained my problem exactly but I am not sure I understand his suggested solution!

At least, now that I know it's not me but something systemic, I will simply use the off button when I have arrêté.

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