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St Paul de Mausole

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Here is the link to this interesting place:


And here is an explanationt of why I am posting this.  I have just finished a book given me by my Australian neighbour just before he left France after his yearly stay in our village.  The book describes a year in Van Gogh's life, just after he cut off his ear and was in the midst of one of his periods of "madness".

Now although I have never had an opportunity of visiting the Provence, I have read a few French books based there.  For example, the Pagnol autobiographies and a biography of Colette so I have always had an affinity with the place.  This book (English) presents such beautiful and evocative pictures of the Provence that I felt I could feel the heat, sense the coming of the mistral, hear the cicadas and smell the scents.

Although fictional, this is a roman à clé, Van Gogh is of course real as is the head attendant at this institution and his wife, both of whom had portraits painted by Van Gogh.  The fictional and imaginative aspects are entirely believable.

But the outstanding bits relate to St Paul de Mausole, an ancient roman mausoleum but now, as in Van Gogh's day, is a short-stay psychiatric unit.  Visitors can go in and see the gardens, Van Gogh's room, the view from his room onto wheat fields, the olive trees that he painted, the wheat fields etc.

So, if anyone has visited this place, could you please write a bit about it for us all to enjoy? 

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Hi Menthe

Your post has given us a real trip down memory lane although we can’t really offer much for you to enjoy. We visited nearly 40 years ago and at that time it was only the cloisters and gardens that were open to visitors. It was a very tranquil place and we remember sitting for quite some time enjoying the peace and quiet.

On our way back home we stopped at Auvers sur Oise and walked up to the wheat fields before visiting the cemetery. I remember feeling angry that Van Gogh’s grave was overrun with ivy and looked neglected but his brother Theo is buried alongside and the ivy was planted to bind them together forever. Big hanky was necessary at that point. The inn where he died wasn’t open at that time but I believe it is now a restaurant.

Thanks for the post.

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Wow, rowland, just wow!  Thank you so much for your lovely post.  Yes, in the book, VG left St Paul de M to go to Auvers sur Oise to live with his brother, wife and their new baby called Vincent after the great artist himself.

Your story about the ivy gives me shivers and I understand about your big hanky....soooo sad....

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