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How's the old ticker going?

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Wasn't this the sort of question some elderly retired somebody or other was supposed to ask each other?


I have been much more aware of this problem of the elderly recently since OH was hospitalised, diagnosed, treated and discharged with half a pharmacie's contents to be taken daily.

So I hope the article is of interest and help to someone out there.

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As someone who has been very keen on "keeping fit" and eating sensibly for many years, I always wonder about the statistics that they head these articles with;

"Tous les quatre ans, l'insuffisance cardiaque progresse de 25 %, principalement à cause du vieillissement."

Every four years, heart failure increases by 25%, mainly due to aging.

So does this mean by 4 years old you are already on the slippery slope and will be lucky to make it to 16? (I am ignoring Zeno’s Archer Paradox I know).

It is probably slopping writing after a piece has been written based on scientific evidence which is dumbed down/sensationalised to make dramatic reading. 

I am also conscious that by cycling several times a week, I could well be run over by a bus, so I would have been better off staying in bed at home.


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Lehaut, I read the article ONLY because of OH's having had a problem as described.  I already knew about the four principal signs to look out for, etc. as in the article.

Indeed, we both keep fit in all sorts of ways and most meals are prepared by me at home, juggling proteins, cabohydrates etc.  In fact, my cooking is complicated by OH not eating any meat.

I do know of many people with "cardique fatique" and almost all are younger than OH (not difficult, because OH is really, really old!)

It is undeniable that we are an aging population and the cardiologie in the hospitals near us are chock a bloc with people being treated and RdVs being difficult to get.  So I am ready to concede that this is an inevitable condition of aging.

What I believe does matter is that all the efforts you make in terms of leading an active life-style CAN swing things in your favour and that life style and general fitness (healthy mind and body) could determine the outcome of whatever illness befalls you.

I am pleased to tell you, Lehaut, that OH's condition was dire and rétablissement was slow and uncertain, but in the last 2 weeks, he is back to driving himself to his table tennis club and that there are still people there who wants to play with him!

I am a huge advocate of watching your weight, eating sensibly and enjoyably, getting enough rest and keeping your mind sharp and engaged.  We can't help getting old but we can ward off some of the nastier aspects of old age.  Anyone thinks otherwise?


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Menthe, you speak sense, as always. The elixir of long life has not been found, and as my dentist says, as he crowns yet another tooth, our teeth weren't meant to  last as long as this.  Same goes for bodies.  We are amongst the first "lucky"generation to be able to think about getting old ....and we see the problems that causes every day.  All we can do, is do our best, along the lines you just said.

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