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A few learned Limericks


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The plot of two Shakespeare plays in limericks:

Young Hamlet discovered his mater /  And uncle had murdered his pater  /  Revenge him or not?  /  That's the gist of the plot  /  And he did, nine soliloquys later.

Black brasshat, suspected magician  /  Gets spliced to Venetian patrician  /  But falls in a trap a  /  Malign understrapper  /  Had covertly wrought for their fission




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Mille regretz de vous abandonner
Et d'eslonger vostre fache amoureuse,
Jay si grand dueil et paine douloureuse,
Quon me verra brief mes jours definer.

In Modern French:
Mille regrets de vous abandonner
et de m'éloigner de votre visage amoureux.
J’ai si grand deuil et peine douloureuse
qu’on verra vite mes jours prendre fin.

English Translation:
A thousand regrets at deserting you
and leaving behind your loving face,
I feel so much sadness and such painful distress,
that it seems to me my days will soon dwindle away.             


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