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sorting out your recyclables


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I am still unsure about some items for the recyclables.

Is clean aluminium foil OK?

Do paper bags that are foil-backed, such as crisps and some biscuits bags get the thumbs up?

You wouldn't believe that I even visited our local "tri" to see what goes where.  The recyclable part of the amenity site was the most interesting.  I saw people on conveyor belts picking out the "wrong" items by hand.  They only worked 20 minutes at a time and then had a rest.  The stuff that people put out for recycling is unimaginably yuck.

You'd think I'd know it by now, but I don't.  I read the icons on the packets but some packets do not have any labels and others are as unintelligible to me as laundry labels.

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I think it does depend on where you live.  Here in Nantes they take everything in the same container  yogurt pots, aluminium foil etc without the need to wash anything.

You are right about the stuff people put in though.  Have seen baguettes, pictures in frames etc put in.  People can be so dumb.

Our list if it helps: 

  • tous les emballages (flacons ou bouteilles de shampooing, gel douche, lessive, produit ménager, tube de dentifrice, pots de yaourt, de rillettes..., barquette de jambon, barquette de viande en polystyrène, film alimentaire plastique...).
  • baril de lessive
  • barquette aluminium
  • boîte de conserve
  • boîte en carton
  • bombe aérosol (ex : laque à cheveux)
  • brique alimentaire
  • cahier
  • canette
  • capsules de café
  • cartons (pour les gros volumes, pensez déchetterie)
  • enveloppe (lettre)
  • journaux/magazines
  • livre (si en bon état pensez ressourcerie ou boutique spécialisée)
  • papier
  • sac en papier
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Thank you so much, Lehaut.  I've got most of it right.  For cartons, we have special brown coloured bacs with cartons and "cardbox" written on the side!

I assume cardbox means a box full of cards or boxes made of cards or even CARDBOARD?😁

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