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Renting long-term in Bergerac?

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Good morning

Would anyone know of a long-term rental in Bergerac please? We are hoping to return to LBF after finding life in England extremely difficult, after being "out" for 44 years, although we have been back for 4.5 years now. 

Looking for a property, must be quiet area, and accessible without a car to central town. Most options considered but should be furnished. Must be clean and well kept.

Thank you in advance. All options considered, and response guaranteed.

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So life is tough in the UK and you want to move to the LBF in a town/area that is probably the most highly British populated area of France.

It be like moving within the UK but to a foreign country that you have to jump through loads of hoops in order to be a legal resident. But you will still be an immigrant that needs to be removed.

That makes no sense. But it is your call….me…..there are better areas to escape to in France.

I would wait until the elections are over before making any decision to move to France.

I think France is heading towards civil war. Certainly a market crash if FN get it. And they will.

I think Milton Keynes is a safer bet.

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Actually ALBF, at no place has the OP said they wanted to avoid Brits altogether!

They explained about the husband's health status and told us in some detail why they wanted to move back.  Why would moving to the "most highly British populated area of France" have any bearing on what the OH wanted?

And would moving to Milton Keynes which admittedly has lots of amenities, resolve the OP's problem?

Here is someone asking serious questions in what seems to me to be an extremely difficult time for them and you go off at a tangent, wittering on as usual about how awful France is?

By all means, have your little rants but don't do it on here when someone has genuine problems to solve and possibly life-changing decisions to make.

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1 hour ago, menthe said:

Actually ALBF, at no place has the OP said they wanted to avoid Brits altogether!

They explained about the husband's health status and told us in some detail why they wanted to move back.  Why would moving to the "most highly British populated area of France" have any bearing on what the OH wanted?

And would moving to Milton Keynes which admittedly has lots of amenities, resolve the OP's problem?

Here is someone asking serious questions in what seems to me to be an extremely difficult time for them and you go off at a tangent, wittering on as usual about how awful France is?

By all means, have your little rants but don't do it on here when someone has genuine problems to solve and possibly life-changing decisions to make.

I get your points..but we are dealing with two/three French relatives who have very serious health issues. From terminal cancer to dementia.

Im just telling the OP how life is today in France.

It is not good.

A French person paying into the the system for 80 years and it is….quite…well…..awful. Imagine an expat/immigrant enduring this process.

Everyone wants their two pence worth at their expense.

Just saying.

Edited by alittlebitfrench
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15 hours ago, menthe said:

Actually ALBF, at no place has the OP said they wanted to avoid Brits altogether!

They explained about the husband's health status and told us in some detail why they wanted to move back.  Why would moving to the "most highly British populated area of France" have any bearing on what the OH wanted?

And would moving to Milton Keynes which admittedly has lots of amenities, resolve the OP's problem?

Here is someone asking serious questions in what seems to me to be an extremely difficult time for them and you go off at a tangent, wittering on as usual about how awful France is?

By all means, have your little rants but don't do it on here when someone has genuine problems to solve and possibly life-changing decisions to make.

Thank you so much for your sympathetic and erudite response. As to MK, it is not far away from where we live....... and thanks but no thanks! 

We would like a far better quality of life, which, from previous experience, we know we can achieve in LBF. As to moving to "the most highly British populated area of France", it would be an immediate support system to help us to become assimilated, n'est pas?

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15 hours ago, menthe said:

Actually ALBF, at no place has the OP said they wanted to avoid Brits altogether!

They explained about the husband's health status and told us in some detail why they wanted to move back.  Why would moving to the "most highly British populated area of France" have any bearing on what the OH wanted?

And would moving to Milton Keynes which admittedly has lots of amenities, resolve the OP's problem?

Here is someone asking serious questions in what seems to me to be an extremely difficult time for them and you go off at a tangent, wittering on as usual about how awful France is?

By all means, have your little rants but don't do it on here when someone has genuine problems to solve and possibly life-changing decisions to make.

Thank you so much for a sensible, erudite and fulsome response - this is much appreciated. Life here is becoming increasingly grim on a daily basis.

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3 hours ago, CSCosford said:

Thank you so much for a sensible, erudite and fulsome response - this is much appreciated. Life here is becoming increasingly grim on a daily basis.

Do you watch French news ? Lol. Put Cnews/ BFM on right now.  See what is going on. Its madness. A costly madness. France is really in the m#rdé politically. This is not going to blow over. This is the new order.

When I go to the UK it’s like a breath of freash air. Which is why I guess (and yes I will say it again) more French live in the UK than British live in France. If you were French living in the UK you would be utterly mad to move to France.

Belle France was lost 15 years ago. You don’t have day to day riots in the UK. Yes you have problems but not on the scale of France. Milton Kynes aint so bad.

Anyway, your problems is not the current political crisis in France, it is global warming. And France is being hit very badly.

The cost is unsustainable.



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PLEASE ALBF, STOP about global warming and all the rest of it.  By all means, talk about whatever topic you wish but do it on a topic you could start yourself.

Can you not hear the distress the OP has expressed?  They are NOT thinking about global warming at the moment!

They have a critical decision to make.  I don't think however that what anybody says on the forum will substantially alter the decision they need to make for themselves.  Actual information is what they need.

OP, you need to simply ignore the noise; there are people on the forum who have knowledge and who understands your position.

So Good Luck and bon courage🙂

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7 minutes ago, menthe said:

PLEASE ALBF, STOP about global warming and all the rest of it.  By all means, talk about whatever topic you wish but do it on a topic you could start yourself.

Can you not hear the distress the OP has expressed?  They are NOT thinking about global warming at the moment!

They have a critical decision to make.  I don't think however that what anybody says on the forum will substantially alter the decision they need to make for themselves.  Actual information is what they need.

OP, you need to simply ignore the noise; there are people on the forum who have knowledge and who understands your position.

So Good Luck and bon courage🙂

Sorry Mint…you know I don’t want to upset anyone. I just tell it how is. That’s me.


For the OP.







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2 hours ago, menthe said:

PLEASE ALBF, STOP about global warming and all the rest of it.  By all means, talk about whatever topic you wish but do it on a topic you could start yourself.

Can you not hear the distress the OP has expressed?  They are NOT thinking about global warming at the moment!

They have a critical decision to make.  I don't think however that what anybody says on the forum will substantially alter the decision they need to make for themselves.  Actual information is what they need.

OP, you need to simply ignore the noise; there are people on the forum who have knowledge and who understands your position.

So Good Luck and bon courage🙂

Grand merci Menthe! Yes, it is a critical decision. We are currently evaluating all our options and considering carefully which of these will suit in the long term.

Many thanks for your kindness. Having moved 24 times in three different continents, we like to think we know what we are doing. Others may differ..........

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2 hours ago, alittlebitfrench said:

Sorry Mint…you know I don’t want to upset anyone. I just tell it how is. That’s me.


For the OP.







Thank you. May we just say, having done this many times ourselves, that visiting the UK and staying with family and friends is definitely not the same as actually living here. We have just come home on the local bus : do French school children habitually put their dirty shoes up on the seat opposite? Do dozens of motorists lower the car window and simply chuck out cans, bottles, empty packaging, or discarded c......s? Do motorists in LBF have to repeatedly avoid large and dangerous potholes, even on main roads? Are people in LBF blackmailed at the very last moment when exchanging contracts to buy a house, that unless there is a substantial reduction {£15,000 in our case} the prospective buyer will not sign? These are the daily occurrences which we, personally, encounter. We appreciate that living in France is no longer what it once was, but from our perspective, it seems a great deal brighter than what is happening around here {in a fairly upmarket area of Hertfordshire}.

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8 hours ago, alittlebitfrench said:


Belle France was lost 15 years ago. You don’t have day to day riots in the UK. Yes you have problems but not on the scale of France. Milton Kynes aint so bad.

Hmm - your appraisal of MK does not match reality.

I originate from about 14 miles east of MK and the last time I lived there in 1989 it wasn't noted even then as the sort of place to bring your kids up in.






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23 hours ago, CSCosford said:

Thank you. May we just say, having done this many times ourselves, that visiting the UK and staying with family and friends is definitely not the same as actually living here. We have just come home on the local bus : do French school children habitually put their dirty shoes up on the seat opposite? Do dozens of motorists lower the car window and simply chuck out cans, bottles, empty packaging, or discarded c......s? Do motorists in LBF have to repeatedly avoid large and dangerous potholes, even on main roads? Are people in LBF blackmailed at the very last moment when exchanging contracts to buy a house, that unless there is a substantial reduction {£15,000 in our case} the prospective buyer will not sign? These are the daily occurrences which we, personally, encounter. We appreciate that living in France is no longer what it once was, but from our perspective, it seems a great deal brighter than what is happening around here {in a fairly upmarket area of Hertfordshire}.

Yes to all your points….probably worse in France. France is far far more dangerous than the Uk. 
Hence why the FN have gained power.

French kids are generally out of control. I have three kids in education so I know the score. Teachers have had enough and a day does not go by in France that a teacher is attacked by kids or their parents. The stories I could tell you.

Do Freach motorists do what ? Of course they do in between trying to kill you with their driving anger.

In terms of renting a house….I have rented three times all over France in 27 years….never again. You will get mugged.

Listen, it is the same sh#t in France as the UK it is just they have a different coloured flag.

Pick a corner in the world you want to live in, build a bubble at get on with life. That is ALBF advice of the day.

Dont give me this ´the UK is falling apart’. I don’t think it is. You want to see failing apart ?

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2 hours ago, CSCosford said:

How sad that you feel so badly about France and everything French

Perhaps it might be better to move back to Milton Keynes?

I try to see the best in everything.

That said…there is no denying that France is ripping itself apart. Some (namely me) predicted that this was going to happen a few years back. It was always going to end this way.

This is not Brexit…..this is very very bad.

You should hear my French wife of 29 years. And our 3 French kids. They make me sound quite moderate.

Laugh or cry ?

A cul de sac in the UK does not sound so bad to me. Local pub and all that.

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