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What happens to your old bed.....


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.......when you buy a new one?

Has anybody bought a new bed recently?  How did you dispose of your old one?

I know LeClerc will take your old mattress (at least they did when we bought a new mattress some years ago) and it was free of charge.

If you took your old bed to the déchetterrie, could you dispose of it there?  I'd have a problem in any case, finding someone to do it for me (with payment, of course)

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Yes, normally each commune will have a specific day of each month in which they will pick up 'encombrants.'  You do have to reserve in advance and often, the item needs to be outside ready for pick up between certain hours.  Your Mairie should know the details.  In our experience, this has always been a free service.

But, as you said, most places that sell beds will take your old bed upon delivering the new one - free of charge.  You just have to tell them you want that done when you purchase the bed - so they know to have space for it on the truck.

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Thanks both.  I will ask at the mairie. 

I looked at beds in Darty (a lot more choice than the local LeClerc) but there is nothing said about taking your old bed.  The firms that say they will remove the old one charges quite a bit, certainly well over 100€

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When I check Darty for my zip code, it says they will take away the old mattress/furniture/electronics, etc.  They always have for us.  Here is their blurb:


Reprise de votre ancien matériel:

Conformément à la règlementation (DEEE et loi AGEC), nous nous engageons à collecter gratuitement votre ancien équipement électrique et électronique ou votre ancien meuble.

Pour les équipements électriques et électroniques : lors de la livraison de votre produit, nos équipes Darty s'engagent à reprendre gratuitement votre ancien produit pour traitement ou recyclage. Si vous le souhaitez, nous pouvons reprendre jusqu'à trois autres appareils d'une famille de produits vendue par Darty*.

Pour les produits retirés en magasin, la reprise peut être effectuée dans le magasin de retrait.

Pour en savoir plus, consulter la page recyclage Darty

*appareil d'une famille de produits Darty, disponible dans les mêmes conditions d'accessibilité et d'encombrement.

Pour les éléments d'ameublement ainsi que les produits rembourrés d'assise ou de couchage : nous nous engageons à collecter gratuitement votre ancien meuble chez vous pour toute acquisition d'un meuble neuf livré chez vous. La reprise se fera sur un produit usagé équivalent au produit acheté (en termes de fonction et de volume), sur rendez-vous auprès de notre service client.



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I recently disposed of two old mattresses, which were still in reasonable condition, by putting them on Le Bon Coin as donations.

They were both collected within 2 days.

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Lori, that is extremely helpful.  I will buy the bed from Darty.  Great choice as I want individual pocketed springs and possibly a divan this time.

Have a traditional bed with headboard and footboard but also have some lovely bed spreads which are no good to use as the nice borders of the bed spreads have to be tucked in at the end of the bed and cannot be seen.

ssomon, when we moved to France, we had some lovely 1930s furniture as our house was art deco.  Didn't want the cost of bringing the stuff over so we just put them out in the front garden with a note asking people to help themselves.  It was great because, as you have said, every piece was gone within 2 days and I was SO happy because some of the furniture were collected over years and the workmanship and quality were simply too good just to throw away.

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Menthe, I think you've already had your answer, but yes, we got a new mattress just before Covid, bought from the UK becaue of the base size.  A friend with a large van took it to the dechetterie for us .. no problem.

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