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Yet another aspect of "modern life" that puzzles me


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I do realise that there are lots and lots of things about this so-called modern life that leave me in a flummox.

One activity that I hear mentioned frequently and whose meaning completely evades me is "making memories".  You even see it in adverts as in why not do this (go on a cruise, visit Turkey) and make memories.

People have "bucket lists" and they want to "make memories" for their children.

Don't you just go and do things, visit the Black Hole of Calcutta, Tutankamun's tomb, whatever, and you remember some of the things you have done and don't remember others?

Surely, you don't do things to "make memories", you er...do them because you'd like to?

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Its just another way advertising executives have come up with you part you from your money.  "Go on Holiday"  has run its course, so they have to think of another way to entice you.  This term also attempts to "guilt you out".  You are failing yourself and your family if you are not making memories.

When our two boys were younger we took them all over in our camping car, sailing in our boat/dinghy/canoe etc.  The youngest has no memories of these events at all.  he only "knows" he did them as we have the photos!!

Do your own thing, don't be part of the herd, think for yourself 

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It's OK, Lehaut, I don't particularly like being part of any herd.  In fact, I am nearly always the one who is "behind the curve", whatever the curve is or where it's situated.

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What I mean to say is, it's such a nonsense thing to say.

If you were with children, you could say to them, let's go out and make mud pies, build sand castles, have a teddy bears' picnic, etc and the children would understand and most would want to take part in those activities.

Alternatively if there were just you and your OH, you could suggest, let's have lunch in the new resto in town, go for a ride to that air field and watch the gliders, make a trip to the cinema and they would also know what you're talking about and could fall in or not with your suggestion.

But.....shall we go and make some memories?  Really, whatever next?

And anyway I think the best thing about memories is that they could fade and are therefore the more precious when you are able to retain some of their essence.

Here is "I remember it well"


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