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Those with Disability

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Now before anyone comes on saying this should be in the Gardening section (The section no body has read since 2020)

I have decided to put this offer in this section hoping those who will get the rewards from my idea,

Here goes,

I have read the section about folk who have the need to live what life they can "Because of disability,

In fact in a sort of way we all will have a sort of disability by just getting older, (Finding we can not do those things we once took for granted such as bending/ Lifting / doing what once took an hour now takes a full day and the next day as we try to get out of bed find we are paying the price for yesterdays doing's ??   True or am I talking to the dead!!

Please read what my idea is all about and take part, do not just sit there and say nothing, reply and let me know what you think? (please)

I was thinking really as a start the Garden and how those who have disability may want to or at least be given the chance to do gardening "Even from a wheel chair"

Now the raised bed gardening is a part of gardening that's within your reach (And that was not a pun)

By making the bed area nice and narrow enough so you can reach to the center of the from both sides "in comfort without feeling strained, Same goes for watering,

Enough space on both sides of the bed so you can enter/work /& exit the bed area in a wheel chair or even a walking frame,

Have sitting /kneeling seating along each side of the bed's so you can have a relaxed feel to what your doing (and enjoy a cuppa)

What you grow maybe limited "But that feeling of passing the time away in a productive way" is a reward worth having back in your life,

Now i have talked about Gardening today, "But as far as other ways the disabled can enjoy using their time to get that feeling of self worth back extends to all kinds of things to do!!!!!

From making once love stuff to look at it now ? Could be doing up old once loved kiddies three wheeled bikes to writing poetry ?

Ive had a few poems put into print (And i did not ask I was asked could we add your poems to our book of poetry, And it was published,

Well i have given the idea an airing "But those who have read what i have to say are not off the hook, NO NO NO,

If you feel you have even more idea's to offer these disabled folk a new day ? Then lets hear your offer or are you blind but do have sight ?

(Walk a mile in their shoes)

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I've been given some thought to your 'issues' with the forum. I wonder if you would not feel more comfortable creating a blog for your monologues. In the 37 or so postings you have made since rejoining 10 days ago you have only commented three times on topics not created by yourself. That's fine but your unhappiness with the fact that others have to 'check' your work on behalf of the owners appears to be souring your outlook. There are a number of formats out there. I happen to have a blog myself on wordpress for example.

With a blog the only moderator would be yourself and you could still continue contributing to the forum as a member whenever you wished.

Please believe me. I say this with all good intentions.



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3 hours ago, DaveLister said:


I've been given some thought to your 'issues' with the forum. I wonder if you would not feel more comfortable creating a blog for your monologues. In the 37 or so postings you have made since rejoining 10 days ago you have only commented three times on topics not created by yourself. That's fine but your unhappiness with the fact that others have to 'check' your work on behalf of the owners appears to be souring your outlook. There are a number of formats out there. I happen to have a blog myself on wordpress for example.

With a blog the only moderator would be yourself and you could still continue contributing to the forum as a member whenever you wished.

Please believe me. I say this with all good intentions.



I told you and since i told you no more than three other members have also said you and the other moderator are not doing the job !

All you are doing is allowing each other to be on your own interest and not playing fair when a member has what they feel is a bad bit of moderating ie my last complaint was being called "DEAR" you should have been honest and thought about what was said and had a word with your friend and told him this is not good moderating,

But again you came over telling me he sent me "e" mails regarding what he thought was leaning on racist and you had proof of this, I asked you to put on screen this proof "But i have not seen or heard anymore from you,

The very last person to come back to the forum you welcomed back and he said he left because of the way the forum went down hill,

I feel you do not have a clue how to both treat people or deal with complaints,

I said about my wifes car having it's test and your reply was your vehicle has not got grease nipples????

A 25 yr old kangoo No grease nipples !!!!! Again your talking about something you know nothing about,

But that remark and the way you put it was to get at me, When it comes to vehicles I can assure you i know what i am talking about, I drive one of the best English cars ever made and that also is now 25yr old and i have owned it for 18yrs never a problem.

As for your asking why i do not have my own format and only I would be the Moderator says it all, what the hell do you think you are there for ? A Moderator is there to keep the forum in good taste no matter who's format is on the forum,

Otherwise whats the point of a moderator ?

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Oh well I tried.

Perhaps Henry, next time you go into that workshop of yours you can fashion something out of the large chip you seem to have on your shoulder.

I really can't understand why you seem determined to pick fights.

Life is too short.

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