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time for new words to dislike ...


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And the American use of "momentarily" to mean 'IN  a moment' rather than "FOR a moment"... as is "your Firefox is updating and will be available momentarily"

I would have preferred that it stayed around for a while..

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Yes, and the ubiquitous "like " and "went" not often used correctly in the modern UK parlance, as in "I was like,and he was like and he went and so I went" total nonsense!! What has happened to the English language? Lazy brains..........too many TV people talking in that fashion (could have said like that, but well you know...). Speaking of which, "erm well you know I mean"...I know it's a phrase and not a word, but just taking the opportunity to vent my spleen - init! 😉

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Old fashioned I might be, but I still get bugged by split infinitives, and using adjectives instead of adverbs .. in Yorkshire, we also have a particular problem with the usage of "whilst" and "until", which are not the same - except in Yorkshire ..

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"Get" as in 'get a coffee'  'get a shower' where will they get them FROM?  Why not just have one?

Or in this headline "US authorities say more Boeing 737 planes should get checks after door plug blowout"

"be checked"  or  'Have a check-up'...




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53 minutes ago, NormanH said:

"Get" as in 'get a coffee'  'get a shower' where will they get them FROM?  Why not just have one?

Or in this headline "US authorities say more Boeing 737 planes should get checks after door plug blowout"

"be checked"  or  'Have a check-up'...




Obviously…when it is not obvious.

Essential when it is not essential.

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  • 2 months later...

How could I have left off "reach out"?

I've only just remembered this ghastly expression in the last couple of days when the Princess of Wales gave her speech about her cancer diagnosis.

In no time at all, all sorts of bods "reached out" to her....including, naturally her brother- and sister- in-law.  As though the poor woman doesn't have enough to contend with without all and sundry reaching out like that....uuuggghhhh!

If I were her, I'd make sure I am well and truly out of reach!  Can't people just approach or even contact someone instead?


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Words to dislike? ....... Just about anything said/screamed by Alex Jacques on Channel 4's Formula 1 coverage.

His idiotic non-stop gibberish is almost destroying any enjoyment of the programme.

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12 hours ago, Graham & Brenda said:

Ter seems to be the new way to pronounce to.........."I was going ter do something". It makes me cringe!

YES, I noticed it only this morning.....drives me mad too;

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10 hours ago, DaveLister said:

I like how 'reach out' is being reclaimed from the office environment. I'm reminded of this diagram.356029399_Screenshot2024-03-25at06_55_50.jpeg.64111335cd4e4acfc1e59de9b0560779.jpeg

DL can I make an embarrassing confession?  I had to google the Four Tops!!!  Sometimes I think I stopped noticing things round about 1955.....

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