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Complete France Forum

Making sense in french?

Lorraine McC

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I have just received my siren number and I’m all fired up. I make and decorate scented teacup candles as well as blinged up vases, storage jars, seasonal gifts etc. I need an expert eye to make sure the information on my existing English language flyers translate properly to french. I have learned over the years that some phrases just don’t travel well. Does anyone know if there are printing companies that offer grammar checking as part of the service? 

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Posted (edited)

While I couldn’t find a specific printing company that offers grammar checking as part of their service, there are several online grammar checking tools that can help you with the translation before you send it off for printing. Services like Grammarly and QuillBot are well-known for their grammar checking capabilities. They can be quite useful in ensuring your translated content is grammatically correct and contextually accurate.

Edited by benisfroms
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