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Credit d'Impot query

val douest

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Could anyone please shed some light on these paragraphs on entitlements to Credit d'Impot?  It comes from /vosdroits.service-public.fr/particuliers/F1222.xhtml

Le crédit d'impôt s'applique au prix toutes taxes comprises des équipements, hors main d'oeuvre (sauf pour la pose de parois opaques), qui figure sur la facture de l'entreprise ayant réalisé les travaux.

Il est égal à 15 % du montant des dépenses pour la pose de matériaux d'isolation thermique des parois vitrées, 25 % du montant des dépenses pour la pose de matériaux d'isolation thermique des parois opaques.

Two queries:

First, would you translate 'parois vitrées' as 'glass walls' ie windows and 'parois opaques' as walls without windows?  Interestingly Google gives 'exterior walls' for parois vitrées which would seem to make more sense except that it infers that 'parois opaques' are interior walls, for which it would be odd to offer reimbursement.

Secondly, the first para implies that only the installation of parois opaques is reimbursable (ie not parois vitrées) but the second gives the reimbursement costs for both.

Any help very welcome as deadlines come ever nearer.


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First, would you translate 'parois

vitrées' as 'glass walls'

I think that this would be secondary double glazing, a cheaper alternative to replacing your existing windows.

Parois opaques would be insulating materials for the interior walls.

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Parois vitreés = double glazed 'fenêtres ou portes-fenêtres', either replacement or secondary. 

Parois opaques = wall, roof, loft insulation, etc.

The tax credit applies to the price of the equipment TTC but excluding the installation costs, except for parois opaques where the installation costs have been allowable since 1 January 2009.  

Full definitions can be found in tax note 2041GR


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