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Le préfet interdit la manifestation des cyclistes dénudés à Nantes

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Isn't it at least a little odd that people want to publicly display their naked body? Public in the sense of openly displaying themselves to the general public rather that on a nudist beach or in a nudist colony. What lies behind this compulsion to expose themselves in this fashion? 

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1 hour ago, Ken said:

this compulsion to expose themselves in this fashion?

In this particular case it was to highlight the fragility of cyclists.  they hoped to bring to peoples attention by their nudity that cyclists are not well protected and that motorists and other road users should take more care.  Those of us who cycle are well aware of this, this stunt was aimed at those who drive blind to such things.  

About 6 did turn up, but there were more police so they did not get far 

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2 hours ago, Lehaut said:

In this particular case it was to highlight the fragility of cyclists.  they hoped to bring to peoples attention by their nudity that cyclists are not well protected and that motorists and other road users should take more care.  Those of us who cycle are well aware of this, this stunt was aimed at those who drive blind to such things.  

About 6 did turn up, but there were more police so they did not get far 

I ride regularly and  have two bikes which I use for triathlons. There is no question but that cyclists are vulnerable and when I'm out Im very much aware that drivers are not to be trusted!!! Funny though I have never needed to ride in the nude to highlight that! Any riders not aware of their vulnerability must be idiots!

Many cyclists, and I see them when I'm out driving and riding, almost ask to have an accident. The solo cyclist isn't a problem but as soon as it becomes multiple the risk of an accident increases incredibly. Just why riders feel that bunching in the road or even a couple riding side by side think it's acceptable is beyond me. The arrogance shown by many riders in this fashion is astounding. 

It will always be the car drivers fault in an accident, the Police have even said so!!! The frustration that inconsiderate riders cause leads to accidents and of course the driver is to blame when he/she overtakes 'recklessly'.  No answer to it I'm afraid. I never ride with my club in a bunch. On the rare occasion I'm out with someone and I always leave a very large gap for a car to overtake. 

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I do think that people who drive cars AND ride bicycles are the most road "intelligent".  You see the potential dangers from both viewpoints and you know both the minds of cyclists and motorists.

I think the most road unaware drivers are those of sans permis, with notable exceptions, of course.  They hog the middle of the road, wander about it (not sometimes within their lanes) or they pay little notice of other road users.


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21 hours ago, Ken said:

Any riders not aware of their vulnerability must be idiots!

The nudity was to highlight the vulnerability to car drivers


21 hours ago, Ken said:

t will always be the car drivers fault in an accident,

For this very reason I installed a video recorder in our car yesterday.  I had to brake on a roundabout as a mother in a child carrying bike drove straight out in front of me as I was going round and indicating. She was as speed, no hand signals  and as you say, defence it difficult.

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