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On a happier note

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Each year in Nantes there are new attractions that appear to entertain the locals and the tourists.  We amuse ourselves by tracking them down.  This year they have, in our opinion, excelled themselves.  There are several famous statues around the city which they have copied and put them in unexpected poses;  The last one we found particularly amusing, though how long the first ones will remain intact/un-tagged in the current climate  is debatable.







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A bit off-piste, but could I ask how you decided on Nantes to downsize to from Normandy - have read some of your previous posts ?

We are in a similar situation, large property in Normandy and think we should downsize but just can't decide where we should go.  We have a good medical network for GP and specialists at Caen at present, but haven't looked at Nantes.

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1 hour ago, Laurier said:

A bit off-piste, but could I ask how you decided on Nantes to downsize to from Normandy - have read some of your previous posts ?

We are in a similar situation, large property in Normandy and think we should downsize but just can't decide where we should go.  We have a good medical network for GP and specialists at Caen at present, but haven't looked at Nantes.

I like Caen. Caen is cool. Just move to Caen.

Nantes is very big. It has doubled in size in the last twenty years and the road network/congestion is a nightmare.

Sucè-sur-erdre is nice though. I would live there. Best of both worlds.

What about…..Amboise ?

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23 hours ago, Laurier said:

A bit off-piste, but could I ask how you decided on Nantes to downsize to from Normandy - have read some of your previous posts ?

We are in a similar situation, large property in Normandy and think we should downsize but just can't decide where we should go.  We have a good medical network for GP and specialists at Caen at present, but haven't looked at Nantes.

I will try to be succinct!  We came to Nantes in our camping car quite often when our children were younger staying at a campsite in the north of Nantes.  We were impressed by the transport links, and the "feel" of the place.  Our eldest also did 2 years at prepa in Nantes, so he got to know it too.  (our other one did 5 years in Caen so we know it too). When they both went to Uni, we decided to downsize and chose Nantes.  My wife said we should have to have a view of the Loire from our new place.  We saw three places and settled on this one as it had a direct view of the Loire from the 5th floor, had not been touched since it was built so we could refit it to our taste. (and it was cheaper as it needed so much work) Its also in its own private park, so no one can build in front and take away the view (since we have bought it, multiple new block have been build on the south side of the island which ruins the building behind them.  We are not in the city itself, but on the south bank. Nantes boundary is 200 m away.

It is true that in the morning/evening the traffic is pretty bad as people commute.  We don't have to so  its not a problem.  Our doctor/dentist are within walking distance, as are several supermarkets, bakers etc.  The hospitals have been very reactive to the few medical problems we have had so far, not problem with specialists.  All a bus ride away.

We only use the car once a week for a big shop.  The rest we walk, bike or take the bus (reduced bus prices for people over a certain age, all transport (bus, tram, ferry) free over the weekends).  There are 100s of kilometres of bike trails, hikes etc in the vicinity.  For me, this is as far south as I could live.  It got to 40°C last year and will only get worse in the future.  The flat is a transversal, living room faces North, the bedrooms south.  Shut those down when the sun shines and sleep with everything open at night keeps the place cool, no need for air con to sleep.

Downsides - it is a city with all the problems that come with it.  We have been gassed (my fault as I wanted to see what a riot was like), there is crime (a ground floor flat in our complex was robbed through an open window recently)  We walk through a ROM camp and known drug distribution area each Monday on our walk (they normally smile and say hello!)  Rarely do we go out at night and not though the very centre.  I miss my workshop and fruit garden.

Our holidays have had us stay in many cities in France, Strasbourg was great - expensive, Bordeaux too hot, Grenoble, fab views, very cold in winter. I could go on, grass is always greener etc.

We are just back from a 4000km motorbike trip through Northern Europe.  Enchanted by Malmo, Copenhagen, Amsterdam and Rouen where we stayed, not so much by Bremen or Sassnitz.  Usual thing on return, see what the ups and downs are of moving there. To duplicate what we have here is ruinously expensive in all but Rouen.  That has the one thing I wish the Loire had and that is commercial boat traffic - so who knows.

PM if you want more.



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2 hours ago, Laurier said:

Interesting - have been to Amboise, thought it very nice. Maybe an idea to investigate further.

Yes, we also like Caen and are familiar with it.

I agree with Lehaut…dont move anywhere further south of the Loire. Tooo hot. 

I live in Tours…or on the edge….. 5 mins. Tours is very nice but ‘now’…..not 10 years ago when we moved) suffers from the same problems as all cities in France. Immigration, drugs, stabbings, delinquency and all the rest.

I know Nantes very well cause my parents in law (or parent now) live there. I liked Nantes 20 years ago when it was less big. But it is good place to live…if you keep away from the trouble. You can’t beat it if you like big cities.

Amboise is loverly and you are only 15 mins by train to Tours for important medical stuff and shopping. Another option is Beaugency. We lived 5 mins from there before we moved to Tours. It is a loverly town on the Loire and you have the train to go to Orleans or Tours for all the important stuff. 10-15 mins from Chambord…and more importantly on the edge of Sologne…which is gorgeous in all seasons.

I would take a trip from Orleans to Nantes following the loire and see what takes your fancy. Remembering of course that you have a train stop in most places.

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Thanks, guys, for taking the time to give so much useful info.  So informative. Interesting that you mention several things we would have to compromise on. OH loves his workshop and presently is able to perform miracles in there.   I just love public transport and would use it all the time if available and miss that in Normandy. I used it a lot in UK years ago.  If we couldn't drive, we would be stuck. The thought of being able to walk to some facilities is attractive.

We have tried to visit a different corner each time to see where we could settle and we also feel we couldn't tolerate extreme heat.

We know we should downsize while we have all our faculties but don't know when we reach that point.

We do love the wider Loire area and also think we couldn't consider any further south than that.  We have been lulled into a sense of security in rural Normandy so it would be a balance we need to find. In a sense, it would be easier if we had family or friends in another area to give us a 'pull'.


Thanks again - it has given me some focus, and really interesting seeing where other people have settled.

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11 hours ago, Laurier said:

We know we should downsize while we have all our faculties but don't know when we reach that point.

It took us two years to sell our big house.  At the moment (if the press and other events are to be believed) house sales are in decline and credit is harder to come by.  Don't leave it too late to push the button. Its hard to put your house up for sale, but it is even harder to realise people are not queuing up to buy it!

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On 06/07/2023 at 20:57, Laurier said:

Thanks, guys, for taking the time to give so much useful info.  So informative. Interesting that you mention several things we would have to compromise on. OH loves his workshop and presently is able to perform miracles in there.   I just love public transport and would use it all the time if available and miss that in Normandy. I used it a lot in UK years ago.  If we couldn't drive, we would be stuck. The thought of being able to walk to some facilities is attractive.

We have tried to visit a different corner each time to see where we could settle and we also feel we couldn't tolerate extreme heat.

We know we should downsize while we have all our faculties but don't know when we reach that point.

We do love the wider Loire area and also think we couldn't consider any further south than that.  We have been lulled into a sense of security in rural Normandy so it would be a balance we need to find. In a sense, it would be easier if we had family or friends in another area to give us a 'pull'.


Thanks again - it has given me some focus, and really interesting seeing where other people have settled.

Same here.  Have been thinking about it for a while.  Difficult lately to find a SMALL house in the locations I like and have friends.  Here in the Dordogne, anything halfway decent is sold like the proverbial hot cakes and immos are nosing around our village.

Also, not sure how my OH will cope with a move.  He is in excellent health, body and mind, but getting more frail and I am concerned about moving him away from his table-tennis club, his friends, the neighbours etc.  PLUS, I think I'd feel overwhelmed by all the stuff that will fall on my shoulders.

But, Laurier, if you could do it, I do think it best to do it sooner rather than later, that is, do it whilst you WANT to and not when you NEED to.

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No, not expats.  In fact, they have headed back in their droves.  No more "English" shelves in the supermarket, no more French lessons for les anglais, no more English services in the churches.

More like young people relocating from les grandes villes and now teleworking.

Ridiculous how the locals are now complaining that "les parisiens" are demanding their specialist shops and no one wanting to eat in local restos and prefer to go to Bordeaux for all their shopping and entertainment....you simply can't please everyone, can you?

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2 hours ago, menthe said:

No, not expats.  In fact, they have headed back in their droves.  No more "English" shelves in the supermarket, no more French lessons for les anglais, no more English services in the churches.

More like young people relocating from les grandes villes and now teleworking.

Ridiculous how the locals are now complaining that "les parisiens" are demanding their specialist shops and no one wanting to eat in local restos and prefer to go to Bordeaux for all their shopping and entertainment....you simply can't please everyone, can you?

That’s interesting mint.

The French are finally liberating Dordogneshire.😄

Why are the British heading back in their droves ? 

Whats the gossip on the ground then ?


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crabtree, that indeed could possibly explain a lot of it.  OTOH those were often the same people who voted FOR Brexit!  Talk about turkeys voting for Christmas....

There is a woman from my village and her husband who, despite having lived in France for over 2 decades (thankfully not in "my" village, only been here a very few years) who were ardent Brexiters.

Her husband died the first year of the pandemic (some sort of heart disease or cancer or both) and she has now ended up a guest of the French state, no, not in prison but permanently in a psychiatric unit with none of the children coming forward to claim the family connection.

As they say, there's nowt so queer as folk.

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