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Electricty prices up by 3% on 15 August


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Evolution of regulated retail tariffs for electricity in August 15, 2010

August 4, 2010 

Energy and Climate

On Tuesday, August 3, 2010The Government announced via the Regulatory Commission of Energy ( CRE) for the publication of a draft decree on regulated

retail tariffs for electricity. This project provides over the entire perimeter of administered prices , an average adjustment of 3.4% .

For households , the average tariff increase will be 3.0%, so around 1.5% net of inflation. For small, medium and large companies that benefit from regulated prices, changes will be respectively +4.0 % , +4.5% , +5.5% . For companies benefiting from TaRTAM ( Transitional Adjustment Rate Regulated Market ) , the increase will be 0.6 %.

In the continuity of the movement initiated in 2009 , an increase in tariffs regulated retail electricity comes from a differentiated manner across categories of consumers. This change in the fee schedule allows for each pricing option , bringing the price of electricity generated from actual costs to ensure that each customer pays a fair price for the electricity it consumes.

The evolution of tariffs regulated retail electricity takes into account the increased pace of investment in networks and production facilities.

This should enable France to ensure the long-term integrity of its electrical system and its security of energy supply .

The moderate character of the movement maintains tariff for French consumers of competitive prices of 25-35 % lower than the European average. The CRE should formulate its opinion on the tariff movement in the next few days for it to be effective August 15.

The Government has also decided to strengthen in the coming months, the device costs of basic necessities by providing additional support for

subscription and electricity consumption of eligible households by 10 %.[/quote]

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