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Tax Bill - Still Waiting


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Has anyone in the Mayenne department not yet received their tax bill for 2009. I'm still waiting for mine to arrive and wondering whether to contact the office as I have sent the tax bill along with the rest of the documents to the CMU office before 15 Sept. I don't do my tax on line but am I able to view my bill on line?

Thanks, Chris
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My OH and I have had our tax refund and I can see our avis on line but, like you, we have not yet received any actual documents. Although we are in Morbihan, and not Mayenne, it is the same in most areas.

We too have to send a copy to CPAM before Sept so it is just a question of waiting ... as usual !


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Chris, go to THIS PAGE 

and fill in the details, you should get to your personal details.  Click "Consulter" (mon compte fiscale) from the bar at the top, then "Mon Compte" and the link to your 2010 return should pop up.

This is a vast improvement on previous years as at last I have an Avis to send to CPAM instead of the usual proof of declaration and the copy of the simulation which I have to give them whilst the Impots at Mamers get their act together!


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Tax bills are sent out centrally by the Imprimerie Nationale rather than the individual tax offices.

Here is the timetable for receiving the bills:

  • Vous n’êtes pas imposable :

Vous recevrez votre avis de non imposition dans le courant du mois d’août.

  • Vous êtes mensualisés :

Votre avis mentionne la date et le montant des prochains prélèvement mensuels. Vous le recevrez fin août ou durant la première quinzaine de septembre.

  • Vous n'êtes pas mensualisés :

Votre avis mentionne la date limite de paiement.

Si vous devez régler le solde de l’impôt au plus tard le 15 septembre, vous recevrez votre avis d’imposition dans le courant du mois d’août.
Si vous êtes concerné par une date limite de paiement au 16 novembre, vous recevrez votre avis courant octobre.



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[quote user="Sunday Driver"]

Tax bills are sent out centrally by the Imprimerie Nationale rather than the individual tax offices.

Here is the timetable for receiving the bills:

  • Vous n’êtes pas imposable :

Vous recevrez votre avis de non imposition dans le courant du mois d’août.

  • Vous êtes mensualisés :

Votre avis mentionne la date et le montant des prochains prélèvement mensuels. Vous le recevrez fin août ou durant la première quinzaine de septembre.

  • Vous n'êtes pas mensualisés :

Votre avis mentionne la date limite de paiement.

Si vous devez régler le solde de l’impôt au plus tard le 15 septembre, vous recevrez votre avis d’imposition dans le courant du mois d’août.
Si vous êtes concerné par une date limite de paiement au 16 novembre, vous recevrez votre avis courant octobre.



[/quote]About as great a work of fiction as War and Peace, S/D!
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Quite so. We didn't get ours in respect of 2008, which should have arrived around end August/beginning of September 2009, until well into 2010. Phone calls to the tax office merely got the response that there was 'un petit souci'.

As the 'petit souci' actually turned out to be a vastly inflated demand accompanied by an investigation, I don't want to cause any more worry for those who are concerned about late arrival of their avis. But it's something to be aware of, certainly. (By the way, the investigation showed that contrary to what les impôts initially claimed, we had not been fiddling the figures and our tax return was perfectly correct - in fact it had erred in their favour on exchange rates, but no refund was offered as a result).

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thanks for the link C and I have made a note on how to get to this result for when I try again tomorrow!

I have followed your instructions which are very clear but can only obtain the year 2009 tax paid for 2008. 2010 is not a option so I can only presume they haven't done it yet. I know they have received the forms as I took them in to the office myself.

Thanks again and to everyone for their replies and especially Will - you have now scared the c***p out of me!

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But what should I do as it is our first year here, and I have no no. fiscale to check up on?  Did everything manually (via numerous visits to tax office, because we are slightly complicated, and it was our first declaration, and we wanted to get it right).  Have not received a thing.

Really don't want a repetition of last year when they sent the taxe d'hab, and taxe fonciere bills to our old address in Holland (which we left in Oct 2008, and informed everyone, including the local mairie of our arrival in October 2008), and we got nasty letters in January demanding full payment or else. I had to get very flirty with the local tresor public man to get it sorted out!  But still a big lump out of funds which could have been made easier if we'd received the bills in good time and done the monthly payments.

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As I said, I didn't want to scare anybody unduly. I think it very unlikely that you would get investigated if your financial affairs are reasonably simple and you haven't tried to pull a fast one. The reason ours was flagged up seemed to be that Mrs W's job in France pays at very near to SMIC, without expenses being refunded by her employer, and as an estate agent she does quite a lot of kms, and makes a lot of mobile phone calls, in connection with her work, all of which should be claimed against tax, and the very nice(?) tax woman found it difficult to accept that somebody would do that sort of job for so little actual recompense.

In case anybody is trying it on though, it's as well to remind them that people do get picked out. It often seems to happen after they have been watching you for two or three years. And when it does happen, you have to account for just about every cent of income and expenditure, not only the bits that are being queried, and not only for one tax year either (worth bearing in mind for those on micro business regimes who think that accounts aren't necessary).


A phone call to your local tax office (not the trésor public) will indicate when they think the avis is likely to be sent out. And unless you are unlucky enough to get one of the officious dragons, CPAM and similar bodies are likely to be reasonably understanding; they know as well as anybody how late the tax people can be. If you haven't opted for mensualisation of your tax payments, you should get a couple of weeks at least in which to pay if the avis is sent out late.

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Will, I do hope we are not about to be investigated but we do have all our returns neatly filed by year!

Fortunately, our affairs are very very simple ie just pension and investment interest and we also emailed our local office asking what conversion rate to use (and of course have a copy of the emails) so hopefully they are being slow. I should add we do everything by the book always have even in england as we want a quiet life!

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Fi, even if those first taxe d'hab/fonc bills had arrived when they should have done, they would have required pretty prompt payment.

IF you didn't get a prelevement sorted out at the beginning of this year for these bills, then when these bills come in, once again they will require pretty prompt payment.
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Just to let you know that I sent an email to our local tax office and the response was as follows:

Madame, Monsieur,

Suite à votre message du 31/08/2010, je vous informe que votre avis d'imposition vous parviendra fin septembre début octobre, la date limite de paiement étant fixée au 15/11/2010. Le montant à payer est de ***euros

So at least we know why we haven't had the bill yet. I will print off the email to send with the other docs required by CMU and hope they will accept this.

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Chris, I think this is the best you can do (it's what we end up doing every year!) - I also run off a copy of our simulated return from impots website, so they can see what our RFR will be.  This is the figure which really interests CPAM.

I resent this having to do the form every year now as we've been here over the five years so, to my mind, shouldn't have to continue to have to provide copies electricity bills etc as proof of residence.  Still, got to use my printer ink for something, I guess.

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Thanks for the info C, I will also send in copies of our return.

I quite agree that after 5 years you shouldn't have to keep providing bills for proof but I suppose it keeps someone in a job and as long as it turns out ok in the end I'm happy.

Thanks again, Chris
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Tax avis no problem for us and never has been.  It's the damned Taxe Foncière and Taxe d'Habitation that they always, always get wrong.

Just been up to the trésor with the avis and the TF bill and been asked yet again how old OH is.  I joked with the woman there that this is becoming an annual ritual and that I'll see her again round about the same time next year!

Won't be here to deal with the TH as that will no doubt be wrong also.  But OH has strict instructions as to what he has to do when the wrong bill arrives [:D]

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Erm - stupid question but - how do you know that a TF or TH bill is wrong?

We just pay it each year and have a little moan that it has gone up quite a lot - again!

Can't begin to understand all the figures on the bill.

Now you've got me wondering if we've been paying too much.

Any hints?
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