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Increased Taxe Fonciere after submitting an H1


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We sent in an H1 after finally finishing our barn conversion in October 2009, and I've had an increased taxe fonciere bill for 2010.

I thought I was told at the tax office that I'd get a three year holiday before I had to pay at the higher rate, but perhaps that was just for the taxe d'habitation. Does anyone know how the arrangements are supposed to work for the taxe fonciere?

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Normally for a new property the rule is no TF for the year of construction and none for the following 2 years. Not sure about a barn conversion. On the other hand you normally have to pay taxe d'equipment, 50% eighteen months after you get your planning permission and the balance 36 months after the planning, this normally equates to 3 years TF, so they get you either way.

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Well I didn't find out if it was a mistake today - there was a huge demonstration in Aurillac, streets full of umbrellas and banners, and just about every single government employee was on strike. Particularly the tax office, where there was just a nice receptionist who suggested I should come back tomorrow.

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Sorted it this morning at the tax office.

They said they thought we had simply improved the existing farmhouse, rather than converted the barn. Possibly "improved" was a euphemism for "suddenly become honest about the size of", as previously the farmhouse was - correctly - recorded as 84m2 and the barn is 209m2 ....

Anyway, they apologised and said they'd put it right before the payment is taken in mid-October.

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