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Are you British or French on Brittany Ferries

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12 minutes ago, DaveLister said:

The reluctance of employers to employ mature workers is a world wide problem but I agree with ALBF that there does appear to be a particular malaise in France that begins with the schools. The learning by rote and reluctance to allow free expression and independent thought produces a workforce that is incapable of adapting to change. I know countless young French people who hate their jobs but wouldn't consider looking for alternative employment. Instead they go to work every day, detesting every moment of it, waiting for the weekend when they can let rip. There are a few who can think outside the box and, like Wooly's example on another thread, move on and obtain a sense of fulfillment but most are just waiting for a retirement they see slipping further and further away from them.

As to elderly British couples clogging up the system, I'm not old, I'm not married, and I don't have a dog. So I suppose I'm alright😉

Thanks Dave… you said what I wanted to say. 

My daughter (top class student) is being pressurized by her school and the system into deciding her future career. She has no idea what she wants to do. She could be anything she wanted with her grades. But she is only 15 for feckîng sake.

I keep telling her to ignore them and let time decide. Otherwise you will end doing something you hate. As Dave describes.

And then end up in 30 years time protesting in Paris.

People who like their careers tend not to want to retire.

It is all about the French educational system. Its awful. Kids end up in jobs they dont want to do and it is soo difficult and expensive to change careers in France.

The teachers, the students and the parents hate the system. Feckîing change it.




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20 minutes ago, DraytonBoy said:

I just don't see why the work 'toxicity' here (if it exists) would be any different to other 

Im telling you it exists.

I reckon because French businesses are run more by men and men in France like to show off their masculinity.

Bit like when driving cars.


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5 hours ago, betise said:

Kenny, Kenny, you make a lot of assumptions. But in order for you to insult me, I would first have to value your opinion.

Being naive isn't an insult. It's statement of fact.  You are confused!

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20 hours ago, alittlebitfrench said:

The teachers, the students and the parents hate the system. Feckîing change it.

Not all. Both our off spring are still in the French education system, sort of.  I dread to think the loans that would still be round their necks if the French adopted the UK or USA system of further education.  One year alone at Imperial College London for our eldest double masters proposed by N7 Toulouse cost £10,000 for the tuition alone, $30,000 if he had taken up the USA option. He was shocked at the low level of achievement in the BSc classes he taught and marked compared to what he learned in France. Our youngest has just finished 3 years of a science PhD here in Nantes and he got paid to do it.

We too told them to ignore the pressure put on them since Lycée about their future intentions.  I believe the BAC S, E or ES system has changed, which is a good thing as it force their hand far too early.  Though the current lack of maths is ima, not a good idea.

Perhaps we were just lucky.

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