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Heard a story on TF1 and checked again the stats

https://actu.fr/societe/maisons-fissurees-avec-la-secheresse-et-la-canicule-des-habitations-de-plus-en-plus-fragilisees_53065830.html#:~:text=Plus de 10 millions d'habitations concernées&text=« Amplifiés par les épisodes de,France des zones à risque.

According to the Government over 10 million houses in France are at risk of cracking due to soil movement  by building on clay and the increase cycle of drying wetting brought about by climate change.  The pictures on TF1 were bad enough, but the attitude of the insurance companies is even worse.  If they are forced to pay out, you can guess where they will get the extra money. 

Of course, when you build on clay, you can take steps to avoid future problems, but that costs more money etc.


Edited by Lehaut
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